Older Women Are Angry Men Don't Approach Or Give Them Attention
Published on 21 Dec 2023 / In
Film & Animation
The reason even OLDER MEN don't approach old hags (sorry womnen), is because they are now so "INVISIBLE" how the fuck will we approach something we no longer even SEE? It's become so clear over the last 20 or more years that women have such SHITTY attutudes esppecially toware MEN they are now left out in the cold, the base line is after all the feminist bullshit it is STILL the MAN on top with the choices and we choose to walk away and STAY away. women are the losers because they went against nature. As a Guy I'm far better off mentally and financially that I ever was married or being around a fefail, and that is how I will die "HAPPY"
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No. You do not need a male only gym: You just need a secret gym room coming off the Men's Locker Room for men only... Just let only men clean it and the men's locker room.
I wonder if she followed those rules herself in her youth? I know how I'd bet my money on that. Value? What exact value do women provide exactly? Well beyond vagina. Enjoy the boxed wine, head med's and cat's ladies.
They think life follows the script in their head.
Leading Role Syndrome