Older Women Are Having A MELTDOWN
Blah blah blah! Women seem to have forgotten, Now they are in ther same possition MEN were or some still are, are thinking MEN are gonna listen to their Crock of Shit Tears and coming to resue them? That wont happen the Trust MEN remotely had for women is GONE. Plus the rejected MEN for the best part have and are THRIVING without the need for the toxic distraction of a fefail. Not even sex from a women can impact a MAN (REAL MEN) anymore. feel hornyGuy's? spank one off and get back to living ASAP! lol! Would you take on a fefail with all her false promises and emotional lies, give up all YOU have achieved for YOU, Hand over your wealth and acheivemet to an untrustworthy WHORE who flutter's her eyes and wiggles her tit's at you? Nah! that is so last Century. This century is the century of "THE MAN OF THE WORLD" as I call it. MEN have a new start, aGIFT given to them by Feminism and corrupt politician's to start anew. Are you going to throw that opportunity away on a skanky pussy with MENTAL ILLNESS issue's, self endued as well. If women were to stop deludingthemselves that they are in competition with MEN which is delusional, because MEN don't react like they need to be competative with women, then women could spend some time thinking about what being a women is aboiut/ Like what's gone wrong they could say? why have the MEN walked? Where are they? why wont they help or talk to me anymore? Well until women come to terms it is they alone that have caused their OWN downfall whilst MEN are rising and Thriving , then women will NEVER achieve anything. women doing this Competiton thing just show's the cannot rise to MAN's level and after half a Century they are still pretty much if not worse off. By being DELUDED and only trying to delude THERMSELVES mMEN are crap they have only put themselves in a MAN's mind anyways to being the useless CUNT's they were before they deluyded themselves they were oppressed by MEN, when they never were in the first place. Today MEN have every right to wish to oppress women a thought that never entered most MEN's mind in the first place, but to day MEN see that they have beem oppressed by women for nothing more than a small few and the delusion that women believe sold to them by feminism feminism has given MEN great knowledge about womens nature and destroyed women just as it was supposed to do! Peace Gentlemen.
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"Trust not a woman when she weeps, for it is her nature to weep when she wants her will." -Socrates
When you see them crying, they're laughing at how much of a bitch they are at that moment.
Hitting the wall yet mentally they're three years old.
For MEN - Maturity Matters.
Whining OLD INFERTILE women?
Save it lady - your a slut and an idiot.
Now fuck off.
Cause I am tired of listening to ALL of your shit, from ALL of you STUPID CUNTS.
Women Complain, "He is always calling me stupid!"
"That's because you ARE stupid."
Stereotypes exist for a reason.
(c) The Life and Times of Shane T. Hanson