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Published on 23 Jul 2024 / In Film & Animation

Well here's anothe experiment! I'll get better at it maybe even add video as well eventually? so make do with the short intro and funny pic and title. Fuck YT what ever happened to giving a person a break for a small mistake?

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mrghoster 2 months ago

Uploaded tow "Black Screen" Audio's and just noticed they are getting better view (for want of a better word. I'm hoping to find a way of getting a continuous picture on them whilst the message plays out Mind you some of the KID;s are complaining there are NO pretty pictures of PUSSY! lol! But HEY MGTOW has all sort's, like we have women who don't need no MAN until they need a MAN, I gusee there must be MEN who don't need no women until they get horny! lol! I read somewhere that a "Black Screen Allows the "Watcher"? well the listener to absorb the vocal content better than a visual, Apparently? but it's hopefully only a temp measure!

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JMGTOW 2 months ago

we don't have older "women" anymore. they are just older "girls" that have the body of women. these FeFails have the mentality of a bratty teenager their entire lives and fails to grow up. they've squandered their gift which is their fertility. https://i.imgflip.com/8xykll.jpg

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Bagoodman 2 months ago

Not a fan of this Black screen - Just sayin

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mrghoster 2 months ago

Well the alternative is I shut down my channel. Do people want advise or do they just want pretty pictures? It seens that There is no point to posting anymore now as I have no alternative to upload from? I think I will upload the few things I have left and then vanish. try and upload doc's and stuff that are of interest to MEN out side of Pussy they claim to be against but the result seens to be they want to see pussy be it in the negative light? If it just comes down to wanting hardwired pussy themes then there is no point in posting stuff for and about MEN that no one is interested in because it doean't have tit's and ass attached to it? In which case you have to ask the question WTF is MGTOW for anymore? Is it about Men going their own way or just to complain about the lack of pussy?

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Bagoodman 2 months ago

@mrghoster: When I get a few min I would like to talk to you about this - I have been talking to a few of the Guys here on MGTOWtv Maybe we can figure something out .

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mrghoster 2 months ago

@Bagoodman: Thanks my friend, but I guess it was just a fleeting bout od frustration. i mean what is MGTOW? It's guys going their own way isn't it? The black screen thing using a sound recorder and converting is a stop gap-.., I opened a new YT channel a couple of weeks ago and was as polite and non cussing as I could be, but the algorithm put 2/2 together some how and associated it with my ban some 8= years ago for a simple copyright infringement. as I say if guys want pretty picture and not content even on a blank screen I'll stop doing it. I have also some good MALE interest doc's and films but are they really worth posting. Please don't be offended but my next statement is NOT about You guys, the real MGTOW's but it does seem to me there are a lot of very immature incels or "Z"'s? call them what you want. I'm for guy's rightsd and feelings all the waqy and I have no time for idiot's that sadly seem to be invading yet another REAL MAN's space, one of the few left may I add? anyway thanks for your comment it is VERY much appreciated, but my options for uploading or downloading visual content is kind of non existent. th web us my eye on the world, I'm not a techie i don't know much by my own admitence about computers and shit, give me an engine or a broken cupboard door I'll put it back to as good as new! lol"! Anyways don't take my frustration rant as anything but a small mental explosion! lol! thanks again.

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Bagoodman 2 months ago

@mrghoster: This is some of the problems I'm running into - We Men try to fix/do everything our self's - It's how we were trained - What I'm trying to do is break the communication barrier we Men have - That is to say I'm trying to set up a kind of a club ...A place where mgtow's can talk to each other on the phone or vid phone or even in person if they live close enough to do it - Typing is NOT the same as talking ! - We could find like minded friends tell each other what we are into create an inner circle that women can't get in and break up like they have with everything else - Like you and I if we didn't talk you would not know I play Guitar and write songs too for 40+ years and would like to get some of my stuff recorded I have a 23 track and was ready to do it when the C19 hit and everything just stopped and people moved bands broke up it just fucked up everything - (You see what just happened here ) What I could tell you in a short sentence on the phone took 5 min to type that's not a efficient way to communicate - So lets find out a way to talk for real like the club I'm talking about - Are you Up for it ? - First we find a timeline we are both online at the same time and talk on the message board here on MGTOWtv - I'm on the west coast USA so you can let me know where you are and what your time line is - Don't worry I talk to people on the other side of the World all the time it's not a big problem - So ill wait to hear from you and what you think.

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