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On Exorcism Part 1: How Possession Occurs - MGTOW

Published on 11 Jan 2017 / In People & Blogs

The first of a 3 part series on demonic possession and exorcism as it is recounted by a 30 year veteran exorcist.




In answering life’s most difficult questions we often find ourselves hitting certain roadblocks. For example, as far as belief in God is concerned, there are many who are open to the idea and would happily choose to believe if only they could have some clear evidence by the standards of physical evidence. Now, I have spoken to a number of people who have had very strange experiences in their lives. These experiences have radically shifted their belief system about one thing or another in a direction that would seem kooky and insane to those who have not had those experiences.

For example, I have a friend who recounts a story to me of an experience he had that sounds very much akin to accounts you hear about people who claim to have encountered aliens. My friend was very cautious not to make the value judgement himself when recounting the story. He reasserted over and over that he is not saying what he experiences was aliens, but merely describing a set of physical occurrences that easily lend itself to such an explanation. Not only was he very cautious about how he phrased his story, but you could clearly tell he was not overly excited about telling it. I suspect he had a need to be believed.

I had another friend who told me a story about what had transpired after his father died. Apparently, the day after his father’s death, he had a visit from him in his home. They had a short conversation much like one would have with any living person, and then the father left the room and vanished.

A third acquaintance recounted possessing memories about things preceding his own birth. He claimed his memories were confirmed by people in his family who were present at the events to which the memories apply.
In all 3 of these case, these men each have only the one strange story. They are completely rational and normal people. They are not conspiracy theorists. But sure as hell, no one will convince them that the things they experienced were weather balloons or hallucinations. On the subject of their experience they will not be budged. They were not interested in convincing me what they said was true. They could care less whether or not I accepted it as true. They merely mentioned it as part of their own biography.

Now, what if there indeed was a way to come to possess an experience which in turn should suffice to convince you of the existence of God? Would you take it? What I am about to read are excerpts from a book entitled “Hostage to the devil” by a Catholic priest named Malachi Martin. Father Martin had served as an exorcist in the Roman Catholic Church for 30 years. His books speaks of 5 specific exorcisms that he thought were particularly revealing as to the nature of possession. In addition to the case studies, he offers some interesting insights into possession and the life of an exorcist.

Now, whether or not you believe Father Martin is a charlatan makes little difference as there is a mechanism for you to verify the truth of the matter if only you are willing to do so. In his book, Father Martin mentions that in any given exorcism, there are 2 priests and 3 non-clergy helpers. If a man were to set his mind to it, he could do his best to try and fill the role of one of these non-clergy helpers during an exorcism. If indeed what Father Martin says is true, then such an experience should conclusively clear up any doubt as to the existence of demons at the minimum. However, if indeed demons are real, and this Catholic Priest seems to have the power to expel them, then it would not be a huge leap in reason to come to believe that the rest of the Catholic story must have some truth in it.

Now, there is one more interesting thing that Father Martin mentions. He says that these days, priests are scared to become exorcists. They are scared because the life of an exorcist does not usually last more than 10 to 15 years after they begin to exorcise demons. Though he himself had been an exorcist for 30 years, he says that such a lifespan is near unheard of in his line of work.

Either way, whether or not you believe a word of what is spoken, there is a lot of benefit in listening to it. If for no other reason, you will have a cool story to tell at parties or a cool ghost story to tell when you go camping.

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