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On Exorcism Part 3: What Happens During Exorcism - MGTOW

Published on 15 Jan 2017 / In People & Blogs

This is part 3 of my 3 three part series on possession. In this videos we explore what occurs during an actual exorcism.




Interview with Father Malachi Martin

Short blog entry on the exorcism that inspired the movie "The Exorcist"

This is the third and last installment in my series on exorcism and demonic possession. In the first video, we went through how possession occurs. In the second video, we talked about how possession is detected. In this video, I will go through what, according to Father Martin, occurs during the actual exorcism. Now, a subscriber mentioned in a comment on my previous video that Netflix is putting out a documentary on “Hostage To The Devil” in the coming days. This is a fortuitous coincidence considering Hostage To The Devil is the book from which I have drawn the content for this video series.

Hostage to The Devil was written by Father Malachi Martin in 1976 so to have a documentary emerge 41 years later just as I independently chose to produce this series is indeed a cool coincidence. For those who are interested in the topic of this series and use Netflix, you might as well check out this documentary.

Also, in one interview, Father Martin mentioned that the exorcism scenes from the movie “The Exorcist” are supposedly quite accurate and the plot of the movie itself is based on a real-life exorcism. The movie “The Exorcist” was based on a true story from 1949. A 13-year old boy was diagnosed as being possessed by the devil, and the Roman Catholic Church believed this enough to assign multiple exorcists to this case. A supposed total of 26 people have been said to have witnessed the horrible things that happened during these exorcisms, and it was apparently so terrifying to those who were involved that books were written about it, and movies were made.
Extensive notes were taken and kept of all the activities that took place over the 3 weeks of the exorcism. They were captured and published in a book called “Possessed: The True Story of an Exorcism”, by Thomas B. Allen.

The case was so bad that the clergy had begun to give up hope on the salvation of the boy. The boy was not a baptized Catholic. Father Bowdern, the main exorcist tasked with this case decided that it might help to baptize the boy and have him take communion. The most violent of all incidents took place during this task. However, the baptism and communion only strengthened the resolve of the demon. It was a few days later, the boy having been in a rambling delirium up to that point, that the boy himself spoke clearly and lucidly for the first time in a while. The possessed boy spoke the following words:

“Satan! Satan! I am Saint Michael, and I command you, Satan and the other evil spirits, to leave the body now.”
Now, to go into further detail about why this is significant, according to Catholic belief, Saint Michael is the Chief Archangel in Heaven. He is the angel whom God gave power over Satan, and he is also the angel who threw Lucifer from Heaven and exiled him. Soon after the boy spoke this he began to recover. The identity of the possessed boy has never been revealed.

Now, before I dive into the subject at hand, I want to make a request from my audience. If you personally know an active or retired exorcist through your church community I would love to be put in contact with such a person. It would be my intention to get them into an interview so that my subscribers could ask any questions they may have in relation to this subject. If I can secure such an interview, I would put out a short video canvasing the community to leave their questions in the comment section.

I would then aggregate them and structure the interview in such a fashion as to have as many of them answered as possible. Indeed, there are questions of my own that I would like answered as well.
But for now, let us get into the topic of this video.

One of the most experienced exorcists I have known and who was in fact the mentor of the exorcist in the first case related in this book, gave names to the various general stages of an exorcism. These names reflect the general meaning or effect or intent of what is happening, but not the specific means used by the evil spirit or by the exorcist. Conor, as I call him, spoke of Presence, Pretense, Breakpoint, Voice, Clash, and Expulsion. The events and stages these names signify occur in nine out of every ten exorcisms.

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