Once you understand women, they're never confusing, just predictable.
Some life lessons just can't be learned, even by women across the ages. I'll also share some of my personal history that explains why I'm right and these women in the dating cesspool will be wrong.
0:00 Intro
4:44 Red Pill Knowledge
14:52 Why things will never change.
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No Joker, the Red Pill was about understanding reality and that we men are all being lied to every day or all the time often by our own mothers trying to turn us into simps and plantation slaves... That's the Red Pill how things are as it was presented to Neo in the Matrix. Nothing more: Nothing less.
But as their Tshirts say: It's not your girl only your turn.
No Joker, they wanted to ride you like a pony for a little while...
It's because women lie all the time: They don't understand most men don't lie nor care. She can be changed and project onto men that they can be changed. As men, our reality is reality the physical reality, but women's reality is her hormones and emotions or "feelings", but mostly the whore moans...
They don't care about men or how they think or operate... they just believe their magickal pussy with trap a man like a fly in a web...