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One Of Us Is Your Dad, AI

Published on 02 Jul 2024 / In Comedy

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KEEPER 3 days ago  

it's like that family guy cutaway song, " you have ads" lol.

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WMHarrison94 1 day ago

I'm not saying your mom is a hoe, "but one of us is you dad"... yeah, you'd be sad! I love it... It's like that "I ain't saying she's a gold digger, but she ain't dating no broke, broke nigger!" type of lines...

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KEEPER 1 day ago

oh man, i don't know if you remember this, but back in the day when TFM did his TFM shows, he used to play little clips of funny shit like this when he had one of those callers who would say something and the response was always so funny, i think he got the idea from the old Tom leykis show lol, oh i wish TFM was still that funny in his shows, now it's straight up sex doll talk bla bla bla, sometimes the sex doll stuff can be funny, but most of the time it gets tiring and you just want the fun show you used to love back in the days back.

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sbseed 3 days ago

lol, sadly a reality for stupid idiotic dick thinking guys...

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KEEPER 2 days ago

lol, that's why i uploaded it.

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WMHarrison94 1 day ago

they were boomers... what you'd expect?!

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