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Only Fools is burning women out, and they hate the bottom 10% of men the most.

Published on 07 Aug 2023 / In People & Blogs

If you're an average middle of the road guy, you're invisible. Is it better to be disliked than ignored?

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Villainous Jack
Villainous Jack 1 year ago

[Down Vote]
Men who are willing to pay for her attention, are the ones that destroy her fascination of being an OnlyFans creator.
She wants greatness in all three areas: Resources, Physicality, and Power.
She has lost interest in Men, due to the successful yet weak. Those who place females on pedestals are worthless. Those who ARE THE CENTER, will progress.

@Joker: You failed to understand that worn out whores become lesbians. Men want to achieve. Happiness is through achievement. Lying about achievement, makes one a loser down more than any feminist!

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Dutch Cobbler
Dutch Cobbler 1 year ago

Y'know, I've never considered this all that much, but really it's true that the bottom 10% are essentially the other half of the top 10%. It gets me thinking that if Chad doesn't give her attention and Sammy Simp doesn't pay her bills, ALL MEN have lt her down. 1 minute in and I've already got food for thought. Nicely done, Joker.

The more I understand modern women the dumber I feel.

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snake_charmers_jj 1 year ago

So prostitution is getting paid for sex and only fans is pay to watch whatever form of sex and she’s upset married or attached guys pay to see her ….. and she doesn’t see the correlation? No wonder she has mental health issues

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Drums_McBashington 1 year ago

Their Borg like group think prevents them from understanding the concept of individual men. One guy at the top = all men oppress. One rapist strikes = all men rape, etc. Most of them have the fully developed brains of children.

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Dutch Cobbler
Dutch Cobbler 1 year ago

I'd add that they can't differentiate between internet attention and real life. Women struggle to compartmentalize and live in facades; to them it's all the same.

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Yep masturbation on demand is a tedious subject indeed.

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