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OnlyFans Will Not Ban Spicy Content! Simps & Thots Rejoice! - MGTOW

Published on 31 Aug 2021 / In People & Blogs

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OnlyFans Bans Spicey Creators

Mystery Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GwGWkHumAk

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by the second half of a donation from VR from Patreon and since he didn't give me a topic I want to discuss the impending thotpocalypse with OnlyFans as digital whores lose their simp money. What will the fallout be? I suspect that OnlyFans will try and rebrand themselves into something that resembles Twitter where T&A is still accept. But where you won't see tacos and hot dogs getting smashed. But I think this strategy will fail for OnlyFans because Twitter was used to promote OnlyFans pages. I suspect that without the full monty of spicy material Onlyfans will soon only fail as women start migrating to other platforms like ManyVids.com which many of my favorite online thots already promote through Twitter. I'm predicting that ManyVids, a Canadian company out of Montreal that offers subscriptions just like OnlyFans, in addition to camming, merch shops for milfs, tip options and more will take
their market share. That ManyVids will become the new OnlyFans. Unfortunately for us the name OnlyFans rolls off the tongue unlike ManyVids. OnlyFans sounds sort of like the McDonald's of smut and it's destroying itself because apparently it's blaming payment processors and banksters by passing the buck off on them. They are doing to online stripers women what Patreon did when it banned Lauren Southern and then Sargon of Akkad and he promoted Subscribestar and everyone went over there. Patreon still survived and thrived because the vast majority of their content creators were not controversial and there was no risk that they would be banned. But in this case I think that OnlyFans overestimates it's importance and might have shot themselves in the Foopa because what will they really be able to offer adult content creators on their platform. The simps will disappear and with them the simp bucks. OnlyFans branded itself as a place to get uncensorable hardcore content. Now that they are going Soft they will be like Patreon and Twitter which are already bigger and more estabilished in the marketplace they want to move into. Maybe there's a conspiracy to do this on purpose to make more money by getting the thots on manyvids? I doubt it but if I were the poon tycoon that owns OnlyFans I'd call up the guys that own ManyVids and say I'll send you most of my users and let's split the revenue and meanwhile I'll give you guys shares in OnlyFans so when it goes public you'll make a fortune too. Many Vids takes 20-40% of creator money unlike OnlyFans which takes only 20%. Out of all the OnlyFans alternatives I think that manyvids will be the winner, at least for now because it's ranked in the top 1000 sites online and it offers a one stop solution. Other sites like FanCentro and AVN only offer a fraction of the features. But I'm sure they will grow too. Onlyfans they just seem to want celebrities and to eventually go public or get angel investors to give them a few hundred million dollars so they can get their payday and run the company into the ground. That's what I'm thinking. Before I discuss more let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection:

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by "Videezy.com"
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by "Videezy.com"

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sauger1001 4 years ago

Nice touch with the back of a cc strip inside the "O". Nothing is more stimulating to a:
"Simp... Simp... desperation for pvssy".
Replicant Fish

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csehszlovakze 4 years ago

There's also fansly now, and apparently it doesn't ask users to doxx themselves, only uploaders have to do it!

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csehszlovakze 4 years ago

Glad to hear your normal voice, brother.

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SOLID_MGTOW_MONK 4 years ago

I got the feeling a lot of the simps go on that site go thinking I am the one and it's off to a happy ever ending. They're the one alright, just not the one. Not the one she's sitting across the room from that she will be tumbling in the sheets with after all the money's collected and the cam goes off. And that message she sent? It's copy past for all her available simps during the session. Log on as another simp and they'll probably get the same caring message. Most of us anyway woke up to that trick when we were still in our teens, however some, they aren't the sharpest tool in the box and she or they already knows that, they were expecting them. Eventually when the money runs out the clock will run out too and a brand new INCEL is born.

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When I look at the chicks in the picture - they are kind of hansom - especially the dark haired one in the center - but they do NOT come across as NICE, DECENT, HARD WORKING, HONEST, STRAIGHT women. They all look a bit nasty, harsh and like degenerates....

One of my old grass hoppers, said to me, "That bad women have a look about them. They get a hardness in the face".

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