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Onlyfools creator enrages EVERYONE, hides HIS secret even from hookups

Published on 25 Nov 2024 / In People & Blogs

Today's sponsor: Try Turkesterone with Tongkat Ali (Feminization Killer): (Buy One Get One Free 48HR Promo) https://blackforestsupplements.com/BACHELOR

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KEEPER 2 months ago

damn that was a dude? fuck man, i'm glad i'm exclusively in monk mode, but my gosh that's fucking gross.
i hate to say this but that actually looked like a women, i hate how advanced trans surgery has become, because to me it's false advertising for a man who transitions into looking like a women only to trick dudes who don't know or can't see the difference into fucking that hot pocket.

it just reminds me of that family guy episode where Glenn quagmire's father transitions into a women and basically tricks him into fucking his dad.

you would think dudes would try to stop such a thing from happening to not only themselves, but other men, like band together to abolish trans surgery from existing because we can't trust these ppl to tell the truth.

like there used to be a law in commifornia that existed for gays to tell ppl if they had aides or not, but when Obama got in he abolished that law so they could lie to anyone about it and that's caused more aids to be spread because of that dipshit POTUS decision.

don't tell me the POTUS isn't out to kill ppl when they make such dumbass laws allowed to be abolished, they clearly wanted more ppl to have aids so they would die faster, just like the whole heroin needle thing in san Francisco, that's to allow death to come sooner to those ppl.

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Toki 3 months ago

Hey he's competing with women and preventing women from getting simp bucks and free attention. That's a win. Go Bonnie Blue Butthole.

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Toki 3 months ago

BB's low T audience needs product I guess.

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Toki 3 months ago

Futa is a hell of a drug.

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