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Opposition Leader "FAKE JEW" Peter Dutton intends to steal $35 million in taxes to REBUILD shithole CINDERGOG

Published on 20 Mar 2025 / In Film & Animation

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The place was insured..... SO the cunts like Dutwit give them $100,000 to rebuild, then they give the thieving kikes $40,000,000 for a NEW security system, and now this CORPORATE COCKTARD for the ZIONIST criminal cartel, said he is going to DONATE $35,000,000 to help rebuild it....

It was ONLY 2 or 3 OLD shitty shop fronts, that had been bought and repurposed, and made into a Cindergog, about the same area as 2 or 3 basket ball courts.

Jesus Dutton mush have loved sucking Netenyahoos cock when he went to the satellite state of the Bolshevik JEWS from the Soviet Union.

So nice they are pulling this scam, after trying to murder everyone in Australia with the blood clot cancer shot.

From Sinnergog to Cindergog

Dutton and the Liberal Party Stooges Curry for Cash from the Kikes.

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MauricioPoole 5 hours ago

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sbseed 17 hours ago

and where did this jewish pedophile get its money from?

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He is a corrupt ex queensland policeman.....

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