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Published on 13 May 2021 / In Science & Technology

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bluewaters 4 years ago

As a Muslim I see where he is coming from but he is an old timer and i disagree with several points of his. He is being idealistic and unpractical. I will touch on a few points but in summary what he says im this whole video is simply not practical for most men in modern life. If you can get a marriage with a good woman in this day and age and have it really last then that is all you can really hope for. He mentions a bunch of things but he is confused on some things but very close to full knowledge which is good. Regardless he is not in the drivers seat like us young guys so he will never be able to relate and he even alluded to that. He refers to malakat aymanakum(right hand possesses) but he doesn’t use the english translation which is Concubine. Is he pro concubinage which is God sanctioned in some cases but to ashamed to use that word as he knows it is frowned upon and seen by every single culture and country as oppression and for pervert men. Even modern Islam as the mainstream traditional version no longer sees concubinage as permissible which means they are cherrypicking Quranic verses also among other things like interpreting verses to suit their subjective needs when it could have several meanings/be flexible and so on. So let me get this straight if virtually everyone sees concubinage as something bad and borderline abuse or worthy of jail then how the hell can this be a practical option for men. Then he goes into confusion territory and says Oh if a Muslim accuses a concubine relationship of being fornication then you should get a piece of paper to prove you are married on paper but somehow between yourselves and before God somehow only you three know its a concubine relationship. Bro either you are married before God or not its not a game and a mockery. Trying to create loopholes does not work and only leads to problems ok. If we live in a global feminized world which is a gynocracy then call it what it is. The women are arrogant and use shaming tactics and no woman will want a man to rule over her as a master and for her to be a concubine especially not seen in public like that. They would rather sleep around, be prostitutes, have one night stands, continuous fornication with one person aka fwb or have gf/bf relationships(which in most casesis nothing more than the woman ruling over the man in an inverse unmarried concubine where the woman is master and the man a servant like the jezebel spirit wants). If you can find a girlfriend that is defacto your concubine in all things but in name then you got a good keeper. I know he has good intentions and he is trying his best to follow Gods law but you cant dance with the devil and say thats the best i could do. Either us men rule and command respect or we stay away from women till they come back to us asking to be dominated and asking to be shown her place and wanting forgiveness m. As for the minority good women that are worthy to be wives you gotta try to get them first if you are financially ready for marriage. Anyways my point on concubinage also leads me to multiple wives idea. Since worldwide society does not practice concubinage it also looks down on one man several wives and it is rare worldwide in this female controlled world. It is not practical and not really done, I would love for you to show me a society that openly has polygamy and concubinage in this day and age and is sizeable or well known. I’m down to listen to this Sheiks video but lot of them tend to be good but long so i only listen if its some topic which is different or unique as he tends to repeat the same eschatology findings in his videos. I an a bit disappointed that he wouldnt be straight up and honest with everything and give practical advice, like don’t dance around the bush and act like the wise know it all leader when you probably wouldn’t thrive in this modern environment as a young man. So basically either find a noble wife or a girlfriend that lets you lead and is down to do or die with you while you are on your path or see prostitutes or get a doll and or be celibate or monk and or mgtow mixed in with a few of the aforementioned. This post was long so i will stop but if you guys wanna know how prostitution(NOT the pimping part though) is actually religiously allowed although looked down upon I can provide objective non based evidence from old and nee testament and Quran. I known that is surprising to many and to some seen as blasphemy but I know what im talking about but most religious people wont have the balls or guts to call a spade a spade.But to summarize so long as you are fair and have an agreement with the escort hooker whatever it is not actually a sin itself so long as you use common sense like protection caution etc. In summary us men actually have many options it is the women who refuse to let us men lead but lets not dance around a problem and try and bend the stick too much as it will break. We dont need to reinvent the wheel its women who decided to get off board if they wanna come back fine if not we got options and no we are not obliged to marry by God. He did not say it is a requirement to marry only that it is a good thing in general for kids a legacy and structure and stability and LOVE and passing on wealth and other things. But you marry a woman who deserves it obviously and if there is no woman for you at the time then keep looking in the background or foreground if you have the time and money and will. Again nowhere does God say marriage is a duty not even having kids per se but obviously it is preferential. When Sheikh Imran talks about the verse of the Quran saying men are protectors and guardians and maintainers of women well sure that’s true. Men already collectively came up with civilization thr peak of which is modern western civilization at the moment so collectively we already did out jobs and to whoever is keeping that civilization upright is doing so. We DONT have to marry a bunch of hoes for God to be happy, he does not require marriage, he prefers that and prefers no fornication but would he want you to marry a fornicator. Obviously not, as it is clear in all the holy books!!! No need for me to bring out the specific verses. Actually God specifically says a non fornicator cannot marry a fornicator(such as a modern thot) So let us stop dancing around issues and be blunt. The vast majority of women are not marriage material. Yes Muslim women are more chaste than others by far and earned that status but also their family is responsible for them. If Sheik Imran knew the difference between a free believing woman and a potential concubine(which is a woman who comes from a dysfunctional family such as a divorced one or is orphaned due to war or whatever if she has no father figure to guide her). If he knew his stuff or didnt twist the facts then he would know you cant take a woman who has a father and mother and healthy nuclear family and make her a concubine even if she agrees, you gotta marry her and keep the financial commitment of what a marriage entails. Concubines become thus out of mercy and necessity not lust he should know this before anyone. Also polygamy is mostly practically done out of necessity like war not just because a bunch of old cat women are getting desperate and their clock ticking so someone has to take them in out of pitty. Religiously if she wants to marry before she is older then she has to lower her standards especially financial expectations. Otherwise she simply has to stay unmarried till a man who is financially ready may accept her which may be never. The men rich enough to have a harem wont go for left over women so let’s just be real here. Ain’t no one gonna marry another woman just for the kick of it unless she is young fertile with beauty and good character. Dont tell me a woman from a conservative religious family like a Muslim one where the parents have influence over who she marries is in this day and age gonna green light a marriage for her to be a second or third or fourth wife. We need to be real here. There are a ton of Gulf Arabs that have money but i dont see them with multiple wives just nice cars and one wife and a bunch of girls on the side (dont care what you label it but its a side chick with whatever label). Find me one girl out of a hundred thats worthy of marriage and thats where i would star. Thats a lot better than these fantasies and pipe dreams and the desperation of taking in random women as wife number 1 2 or 3 only to be a beta workhorse and a donkey for those woman to ride till they extract all wealth and energy. Sorry to say that mainstream religion in all its flavors is uber blue pilled and actually more detrimental to men. If women are desperate then their are options for how we can have mutuak interactions sk that us men get our fair share and they get theirs. But lets stop pretending like an unmarried woman who is begging to get a husband is worthy of being a wife or marriage material. If she is such a gen she would have been wifed up already and if men are struggling financially she would be a quality woman and lowerher financial demands to ensure marriage. Just cause a woman was undesirable for marriage and has an unknown sexual past and her parents couldn’t guide her to a good marriage it doesn’t mean she gets ti abuse religion and Gods laws and manipulate a Sheikh and act liek a gem damzel in distress victimized pure woman ok. We all know hordes or men if not every man on this planet rejected countless of times for the kicks by woman used abused discarded and treated like an animal or object so lets stop pretending like women try to use religion in an equitable or fair way rather they use it if its beneficial for them. Like i said men set the laes and are leaders we interpret Gods law and religion like he made us to do so. If women collectively rejected men because of their selfish desires and materialism and have almost complete lyrics destroyed gender relationships up toll today it doesn’t mean we take a damsel in distress to marry her because we feel guilty or sorry for her and that she is a helpless wahmen. Lets get real women have control of the sexual market place today and much of the world and just in the USA they have more collective wealth then men so tell me who has the power control and say? Yes Sheik God gave us men many rights but he also gave us a brain and free will and freedom and self respect. I’m sick of the simping and pandering and the self righteous people especially in religion which are uber blue pilled and actually emasculated hypocrites. Our forefathers would have bitch slapped every single one of them. The prophets would have scolded them and told then to man up and at least act like men instead of pretending to tell men how to be men and try to shame them for not wife-ing up whores or marrying out of a sense of guilt and then also guilt tripping(female tactic) by saying God would judge you for not marrying if you have the money to do so just so you support a female. I mean just grow one ball not a pair and then we can talk. The reason I dont give old priests or rabbis pastors muftis sheiks any real serious attention when it comes to gender issues is that most are blue pilled spineless men and would be the soyboy simps you see today if born in this age but they wanna act like they know how to walk and talk in our shoes and act like us young men are slipping and not being manly enough. Whats worse is they try to act like mentors or talk down to us like we are are a noob generation or little boys who havent grown up when we are the generation of men dealing with armies of jezebel women. Tell me one generation of men who have had to collectively put up with women of this collective low quality at any point in history in this mass and I will show you men more worthy of respect, the creme of the creme being mgtow guys for sure because we have honor and respect. Sure other generations of men fought animals and fought world wars and conquered new lands but I honestly don’t think any of those challenges we as bad as dealing with modern women which have a jezebel spirit of feminism which is out to destroy men not just in the physical but in the spirit. Tell me a group of men or generation which have had to fight a spiritual war which is literally the hardest and more demanding than a physical one. Im sorry to say that women have made gender relations between us men and them shit thats just ehat happened. I like I am sure a good section fo mgtow men can attain many women in many scenarios and circumstances but we choose to focus on ourselves and strengthen ourselves. I imagine there are a lot of mgtow that are very far from incel and to me that is clear evidence that women are a drag, not worth it many of the times and we shouldnt have to break a leg to do our “duty” like marriage. No thanks, so long as i am not engaging in sexual immorality or fornication my interactions with women are A ok for me if i am not trying to be in monk mode and Im not gonna be shamed into marriage where my heart is not in it fully just cause some old guy with a beard in some island said so just because he thinks God would judge you if you dint get married to a woman just for the sake of getting married if you got enough cash to dish out till you get to zero. All that amidst Gid making it clear that marriage is the choice of a man out of his own free will and heart. Maybe the a sheikh should be trash talkiing feminism more and guilt tripping the women for having high standards instead of just saying oh feminism is from satan and the antichrist spirit, well Duh we have known that for a couple decades at least. Dont act like women didnt consciously choose to embrace their greedy and materialistic desires collectively en masse. Dont tell me the bs narrative of oh the desperate woman who is older will now lower her financial demands of the fiance and lowkey be a concubine but marry on paper just so no one thinks she is essentially having sex outside marriage. Be a straight shooter and just tell the young women to get married like normal sane women did in the past without their insane demands and expectations and just be a wife and let the man focus on the bread. And where was he 10 or 20 yrs back to tell these women to get their act together or risk being old spinsters and cat ladies. Oh no now he is being a good samaritan and now shaming us men and now its our job to clean up the mess man up and marry a potential whore just so we could be a potential arm is that right? That is what God taught us huh? I cant even begin or end with the modern day problems hypocrisies, sheepish behavior, misguidance and sheer cowardice of most people nowadays with the exception of us mgtow guys and the younger generation of guys wising up and reclaiming our manliness and scolding the spineless baby boomer generation of men(manginas that try to talk down to others even though the previous generation gave them freedom on a gold plate) and jezebel women of that generation which brought nothing but gender inversion and subversion and have tried to go against everything that is nature and God intended. Even if he is wise on other subjects its sad that so many accomplished men are still such beta simp providers which wont go down in the history books for anything like special or noble legacy.

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bluewaters 4 years ago

Im sorry I had to vent like that and I have never commented on the topic of MODERN religious figures and their blue pill influences but this has reached pathetic and shameful levels. To the point that they have emasculated religion and themselves and they are trying to make simps out of us younger guys. If you are gonna talk about religion then give me the real thing the thing made for men by men, guided by God in order to guide real men and women and raise children to pass on a good tradition that advances civilization to further heights and planets. Don’t give me a feminized satanic subverted version of religion based on your interpretation of verse x and y to cater to jezebel spirit women so they can abuse and use a man and use me as an emotional tampon and most important try to distract me from my connection with the divine meaning my awareness and consciousness of God. I’m not gonna settle just cause women couldnt find their top pick. Im gonna settle on my own terms when I am in a position of strength and I am calling the shots in-the relationship. I advise men to do the same if they seek to eventually find a good woman to settle with like i do or just avoid them if you had your fill.

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thunderwarrior 4 years ago

god damn why dont you wright a book and sell it, jeez, but for real i would be very interested to hear more from the muslim side of things, also could break this up in paragraphs so its easier to read had a hard time keeping track where i was when reading your comment

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bluewaters 4 years ago

@thunderwarrior: I know its a word salad but it might be worth the read, in any case, have a simptastic day lol!

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Mouse Utopia Dystopia
Mouse Utopia Dystopia 4 years ago

I don't like religion, and I double don't like Islam. Nevertheless, he does correctly describe some of the social utility of traditional marriage.

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Bagoodman 4 years ago

As for me I don't have time to listen to a muslim man That starts with praise and blessing to all - But does not say only if your muslim EVERYONE else MUST DIE . What kind of a So called god would want to have people Kill other people that do not follow there dogma ? Seems to me he could wave his hand and all the people would just become a follower with no need to have Mass Death ?? I'm at a loss to understand how and why this dogma will make a person smile to your face and want to Kill you in there Mind ?! ( I would like to know how this works ! )

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Doggk 4 years ago

There are extremists everywhere.. If we base ourselves on the fact that every book has been modified during history.. A wise person would feel that there's something not coherent in the scriptures.. Same thing in the Bible.. Some things were deleted or modified.. And if you delve deeper in the subject you'll notice that something is not right.. + There's a difference between what's written in the holy books and the people who practice it.. Most people on earth are fucked up and that's a fact.. Add religion to them and you get that type of sheep who interpreted falsely the scriptures and convince others sheeps to follow his steps.. Like Isis, al Nosra and all these terrorist groups.. Imran Hossein is far from being that kind of stupid sheep.. I'm not Muslim but I listened to him for like 4-5 years.. And man... His right on many things.. Just compare it to what it's written in the Bible you'll understand.. He explains clearly how we got corrupted in the west by the satanic agenda.. In this video and multiple videos he explains how Dajjal (Anti christ spirit) changed God laws concerning polygamy.. In the west you're not allowed to have more than 1 wife.. But if you read the bible.. The Corinthians .. It's says explicitely that it is allowed to have more than a wife.. People nowadays abandonned the Bible and Imran Hossein explained so many things about how the west lost their identity.. Take the case of churches being destroyed.. Sold to McDonald, KFC.. etc.. He' s one of the only muslims I know who treated the subject.. My advice would be to just listen to him even if you're not agree for some points.. The Sheikh is right on so many things..

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