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Our Religion is RIGHT yours is WRONG and Vis Versa

Published on 21 Feb 2023 / In Film & Animation


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Councilof1 2 years ago

I can understand the draw of organized religion but I can't understand forcing it on other people.

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Alpha Male Lifestyle
Alpha Male Lifestyle 2 years ago

Currycels never cease to amaze me

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Yeah they are curries.... but they are "Islamic Curries" saying "You HINDUS are blaspheners" and so the cops came in and flogged them.... BUT all sort of people, in all sorts of religions, ALL do it to each other... ALL of them..... all the varieties of all religions and like there are so many variants of the varieties - there are like whole heap of different varieties of Islam, there are a heap of different jews, there are a heap of different christians - like 27,000 of them.... and the same with the Bhuddists, and the shit just goes on and on and on and on.....

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And religion and politics... all the fundamentalists and the puritanicals and "Our way is the right way - and they are the WRONG way" - I tend to think of us as Monkeys claiming territory and conformity... rather than any genuinely "spiritually led" doctrine.... You know there are common things amonst all human activities, and then there are radical divergences... in the ideas and the doctrins of the faithful - like if the book of the jew, the christian chapter II and then Islam are all inspired by the SAME god, then how come the "Books of directions" are so fucking radically different.... The rules, the rituals and the standards...

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Longshanks 2 years ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: but one's gotta gotta entertain and terrorize the profane masses somehow. When they are entertained and terrorized, organisms will often just eat and breed. More slaves to entertain and terrorize. I have always been suspicious of messages that entertain and terrorize, because it means someone wants you to behave like a farm animal.

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