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Our Time Is Short

Published on 24 Oct 2021 / In Film & Animation

⁣What will rise from the ashes

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James1225 3 years ago

Oblivion, the extinction of consciousness, just a femon abortion. Femon cockroaches will live on as long as alimony and welfare exist. Lol Let’s go Brandon!!!

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 3 years ago

Go Brandon yes, femons are and never will be stand alone things

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mrghoster 3 years ago

Take the current global Scamdemic? Whatever started that or whatever is pushing the buttons in the background has sucked the power crazed politician's in and as greed and power always does these politician's are getting a little power, power they themselves don't have and is being controlled beyond them but they cant see it as they go into this EATING frenzy, and being as dumb as a box of brick's themselves they are being the typical opportunist stealing what they can? But it will as it always does after much pain to the common person also FAIL for them, I think Human's are being far to optimistic as to their future on Earth? The Ignorant are to stupid to see what is happening, the Greedy are to stupid to see they are a pawn in something bigger than Humanity. human's have pretty much lost their HUMANITY, the result will be as before throughout history?

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 3 years ago

Tech has taken over, most younger people live Online only and have no real life, when their phone goes down, so do they

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mrghoster 3 years ago

I look at it this way, the human time is now short, the machines are going to be the next big thing the humans are just here to develop them? soon they will be able to built or make themselves? they kind of already are. so what if Mankind was just the Embryo for that development, and we are not as important as we think we are? Let's face it most of the human race is as dumb as a box of brick's? covid has outed that. I am fortunate to have AGE on my side. The few years I have left as a human will see me out without to much bother? I don't fear death in the slightest either. the Electronic Tech period of today is just the beginning as we are used as Guinea Pigs to test out our replacement? Naturally as I said Humans being as dumb as a box of bricks are instigating their own end with their face buried (Not in the Sand) but in the screen of a Smartphone?

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 3 years ago

Most humans are already not need

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 3 years ago

my brain going to explode!

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pirania 3 years ago

Most likely the Klingons or the Borgs.

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SoloMan Zone
SoloMan Zone 3 years ago

I pick the Klingons as they would be more fun

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