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Overseas Wife???

Published on 18 Jan 2021 / In People & Blogs

Why Covid19 will increase overseas being a Long Term Relationship destination
#men #dating #menandwoman

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Mademyownway 4 years ago

Better Bach - aka Joker is not MGTOW at all. He placates to his women watchers to keep the money coming in. Watched this guy and unsub'ed after seeing his true colors.
As for men leaving the west to find another women. Most countries have been westernized and the younger women are turning into proper garden tools. The older women are still more "traditional" than anything 30 something and younger. I have been there and done that.

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The Realist Philosopher

The overseas NAWALT is a complete and total myth. As I have been saying for years. Feminism has infiltrated every country on earth. You will not find a totally uncorrupted woman in another country.

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Hold The Truth Hostage

Their is no such thing as uncorupted man, its just that you will get a women aware of the consequences of losing you

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Toki 4 years ago

CV 1984 isn't even real. It's Government tyranny and a fraudulent, greedy medical industry. Feminism and obesity is real though.
And who the hell cares about CV 1984 when women will go you STDs instead?
If you seek an overseas wife chances are they will scam you and you'll never meet her in person. If it's even a women to begin with lol.

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The Realist Philosopher

You do understand that the reasonj health care is so expensive is because of government regulation, do you not?

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Toki 4 years ago

@The Realist Philosopher : Also the medical student loan scam. This is why medical workers make evil decisions. Because they sold their souls and joined the big corporate medical industry. Keep in mind medical is first and foremost a business. So they have the typical worthless bloat of CEOs and shareholders. Basically Gov 2.0. There are some good medical workers out there and they are being fired for being honest. "Nurse speaks out about vaxx or elderly being killed." F that WalMart style medical industry. Pharma bribes doctors to push pills. Gov funds them to kill elderly who don't pay taxes anymore. The mental health sector is really predatory.

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