Pallywood - Palestinian fake conflict productions.
Published on 10 Oct 2023 / In
Non-profits & Activism
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We used to call this yellow journalism... Hmm. Could this be why "dictators" are killing Globalist journalists?! I agree with the dictators! These are Clear and Present dangers through treacherous lies... Fucking Sand-rigging journalism... Well, what's another dead Globohomo? A Late start...
You just thinking here. This is Fake News, er True to Life Staged News to capture the uhm "atmosphere." So, it is climate change! A change to a climate of lies! Globalists' Green whatever movement is just a power grab...
Ah... dammit. That's where Arnold's lost his Last Action Hero, er True Lies footage I mean... Looks like Soros forgot dome crisis actors there...
This should be the beginning of WW3!