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Pandemonium ERUPTS As The DMV Gets SHUTDOWN Over Camera! State Trooper Violates Journalist's Rights

Published on 10 Sep 2023 / In Film & Animation

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KEEPER 2 years ago  

this esculates quickly. to many lemings in this place who don't understand the law and the constitution.

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sauger1001 2 years ago

These are the same lemmings who will embrace the REEEintroduction of the scamdemic. Sad.

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KEEPER 2 years ago

@sauger1001: oh god, your right.

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red maple
red maple 1 year ago

Ok. I didn't watch all of this video. But I loved what I did watch. First 5 mins and last 5 mins.

What a boss move by the woman worker. Just point to the clown with the camera, "we are stopping because of him". Full points woman.

For the camera man, stop believing in fairy tales. Your rights are a fantasy like the tooth fairy.

I laughed so hard at the number of times he's been arrested and he thinks he's going transform America like this.

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KEEPER 1 year ago

he's actually had some sucsess, i mean he convinced an entire police station of favoring transparency, but he's not the only constitutional auditor out there either, there are many more who are let's say way worse than him when it comes to his interactions while in public, if you want your constitution to fight for you, you have to fight to keep it, and that is what our founding fathers instructed us to do, because once people forget about these rights the government will try and trample all over them when they feel like it, i think they used the words eternally vigilant when fighting for your rights.

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KEEPER 1 year ago

basically this is what has been happening for a long while now, people just let the government get away with stuff which is why they have been able to get away with so much corruption as nobody was holding them accountable for their actions and just letting it slide, eventually this changes the conditions of your rights where people suddenly don't care which also takes their rights away because suddenly they feel like they don't need it, but what they are doing in reality is making it worse for the rest of us who want our freedoms and are willing to fight for them in order to keep them.

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KEEPER 1 year ago

alot of these auditors do get arrested, but they also come back and sue or get the police fired from their jobs some even are arrested themselves because they broke the law and were caught on camera breaking the law, this is why they try to make you shut off the camera, the facility has cameras but they can always edit out what happened and claim you did something that didn't happen, which is why you always record regardless.

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red maple
red maple 1 year ago

@KEEPER: yes it's a case of constant vigilance to keep the values of your society alive. I agree. But I think that battle has been lost already. But if he thinks being arrested repeatedly is a good way to spend your life, have at it

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KEEPER 1 year ago

@red maple: him and multiple auditors are never charged because the judge always throws out the case simply due to the arrest was unconstitutional, and the reason why these guys always publisize their videos online is because they know our justice system is flawed so that it goes into the court of public opinion, these police precints can't often handle this many lawsuits or their people being fired or jailed because an auditer comes into the fold and demands trasparency, yes they get arrested, but most of the time the charges are dismissed because what they were doing wasn't against the law, eventually these police precinct's start to change their atitude and makd changes internally in how they do their business, and that's a win for the people, watch this video, it's specificially what he has been able to accomplish so far with this one police precinct.

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sbseed 2 years ago

wow, this trooper is a fucking idiot...
he is ok with ignoring the law and constitution, admitting it openly!!!!
i guess policy overrides our rights and constitution....

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KEEPER 2 years ago

the short anwser is the cop was breaking the law of the constitution. policy's aren't laws, there more like guidelines.

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sbseed 2 years ago

how dare he exercise his constitution and hold the gov. accountable...
all these leftist/SJW/scumbags need to be shipped off to Liberia...

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Bad Apple
Bad Apple 2 years ago

Public square = Public recordings

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Bad Apple
Bad Apple 2 years ago

If the government can record you, you can record them if a public area...

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KEEPER 2 years ago

@Bad Apple: correct

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KEEPER 2 years ago

@Bad Apple: honestly, i would still record them even if not in a public area, you just can't trust these assholes.

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