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PARIS - the city of LOVE now INVADED by BED BUGS

Published on 05 Oct 2023 / In Film & Animation

First Paris got destroyed by hundreds of thousands of violent illegal immigrants now it is swamped by bed bugs. Could this spell the end of Makron and his NWO agenda? Beaten by millions of little bed bugs? LOL..... I wish.
I wonder how the bed bugs started in Paris, I just hope it wasn't the illegal immigrants that carried them over from Africa to Paris.

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It reminds me why I refuse to stay in hotels, motels, back packers and shit....
There are NO bed bugs in my bed, or ute....
Fuck that.

What makes it worse is that these little cunts are immune to all the pesticides...

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1 year ago

Pesticides don't do shit to them. I found that if you are able to catch them and put them in water, they remain stunned for some time. And i saw a youtube video with the world's leading expert on bed bugs say that the best answer to killing these things is diatomaceous earth. Also, steam them to death. These things die at high temperatures. So wash your clothes with warm water and they die instantly

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sbseed 1 year ago

i was going to say that this happens all the time in places like paris because they are tourist attractions and allow all kinds into the country, not to mention france was never super clean in regards to hygiene in the first place.

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Well in order to eat the frogs legs you have to eat it's arsehole..... Those dirty Frenchies....

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Longshanks 1 year ago

A reason I am averse to visiting people's homes nowadays, almost every household with multiple people has bed bugs nowadays. The vampire bugs catch rides on the poor human suckers and use them as shuttles, so merely being in the presence of someone that has bed bugs at home can give the vampires a fresh host to follow to a new feeding lair.

The vampires don't live for long in my flat. I have tile flooring, plastic shielded bed, and I'm really deadly with a couple surgical and regular tweezers. They gotta come to you to feed, and they don't live very far from their blood meals, so you could kill a few them at a time with tweezers - snatch them up and pop them with the metal instruments.

It's becoming a kind of guilty pleasure of mine. Sometimes I will just take my tweezers to a relatives place and go to town in their rooms finding and popping hundreds of bed bugs. They make a weird smell when you execute them, and there are so many that when you're done it's kinda freakish how much blood and juices they can store.

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What about a good strong vacuum cleaner with the slit tip up the gaps and seams. Is that effective?

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Maybe that explains the mad italian grandmother who had all the furnishings covered in plastic.....

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Longshanks 1 year ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: A strong vacuum cleaner with slit tip can suck them up but you would have to dump/kill them effectively after. If the vacuum cleaner uses throwaway bags that could become expensive quickly. Even if it's reusable storage system you would still need to "dump" them. I prefer dispatching them melee style with spikey tweezers it's very satisfactory to just get up and kill most of them (that you can find) in one go.

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Longshanks 1 year ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Indeed, a lot of old furniture/beds have nice hollow internals, the perfect hiding lairs. When you start killing them, or even without killing them if you detect and disturb them they release pheromones that put them all on alert and they go into stealth mode. So you have to spring the culling ops methodically

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Longshanks 1 year ago

I've set things up in my flat so they to make a journey across open tile flooring from my clothing/carry implements to my bed...an open, dry, airy plane.. home to invited spiders lying in wait opportunistically to catch and suck on the vampiric intruders. They are also more vulnerable crawling on open hard surfaces.

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@Ongshanks: There are good cheap portable hand held vacuum cleaners and they have one way flap valves in them... The beasts... Fuck it must be shit living in a city that is infested with them..... The double walled cups that sit under the legs of beds etc.. sound like good and effective traps.... Can you wax and polish the floors?

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@Ongshanks: There is also putting a fan heater into a closet with a fake door, with a top and bottom vent... so it can lightly cook and dry out everything --- Lots of good stuff here ------------- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/....Bed_bug_control_tech ---------- Biopesticides Preliminary research has shown the fungal biopesticide Beauveria bassiana, which has been used for years as an outdoor organic pesticide, is also highly effective at eliminating bed bugs exposed to cotton fabric sprayed with fungus spores. It is also effective against bed bug colonies due to the spores carried by infected bugs back to their harborages. Unlike typical insecticides, exposure to the fungus does not kill instantly, but kills bugs within five days of exposure. Some people, especially those with compromised immune systems, may react negatively to the concentrated presence of the fungus directly following an application.[25] ----------

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bigintol03 1 year ago

Bring back DDT...Problem solved!

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I think they are all immne to ddt.

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bigintol03 1 year ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: "No discernible effects on humans or other mammals"...I say we give it a go for old times sake!

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@bigintol03: Actually there are some really clever things being used to trap them and kill them... ======= https://www.bedbugwholesale.co....m.au/products/bed-bu ========== https://www.insectomatic.com.a....u/products/bugo-bed- ======== https://www.mandmpest.com.au/p....ests/bed-bugs-treatm

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