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Part 1 of 7 | Merging Inner & Outer Game | Robbie Kramer

Published on 25 Jul 2013 / In Film & Animation

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About Robbie Kramer:

Hi, I'm Robbie, just a relatively "normal" guy who can help you radically improve your dating/sex/love/social life.

The following quote was how I felt about 6 years ago:

"What is wrong with me, I see beautiful women all the time but I just can't seem to go over and talk to them! And on the rare occasions when I do meet a woman I'm really into, I always find a way to screw it up!"

Before I learned that the study of attracting women existed, I was quick to jump into a relationship because I hated the single life. I had no idea how dating worked and the whole process felt uncomfortable and awkward.

Ironically, when I was in a relationship, I was often bored. When I was single, I often wanted to be in a relationship. "The grass was always greener." I saw beautiful women all the time on campus, at the local bars, at the grocery store, coffee shop, mall, etc. but I had no clue how to talk to them.

In 2005, I learned for the first time that there were people called "Pickup Artists" who could teach you how to meet women. I studied their material like a mad man because I wanted to endless options of beautiful women.

The Pickup Artists taught lines and techniques to communicate more effectively with women, but it was a lot of stuff to remember and it didn't feel natural. I was determined to improve so I gave it my best shot for almost two years, going out every single night.

It took me a while to realize it but, it wasn't the lines or routines that weren't working, it was a list of things much bigger like my image and key components of the way I communicated with people.

I was overweight, I dressed like a broke college nerd, I was spineless and I wasn't confident being direct with people. In other words, I was a boy, not a man.

Thanks to a few individuals who gave me the gift of brutal honesty, I came to realize that I had a lot of changes to make. I stopped looking for the quick fixes and magic pills that were being marketed to me heavily by the Pickup industry and I got to work.

I lost 60 pounds, I learned to dress, I hit on women all over the world, I asked for honest feedback and advice from mentors and I invested thousands of dollars and hours so I would never have to feel the pain of being lonely and sexually frustrated again.

The results were profound. I felt much more confident and the women in my life started to notice. Women who had told me that they were "Only interested in being friends," started showing signs of interest.

Ex girlfriends suddenly wanted to "hang out" again. Women I previously considered "Out of my league" we're now easily attainable!

As I built confidence, my dating options became endless, I made more friends and I even made a lot more money.

If you want these same sort of experiences in your life, I can help. I can't promise it will be fast or easy, but it will be worth it.


Visit Robbie Kramer at http://InnerConfidence.com/21

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