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Part 1 of Star Wars miniseries: American Republic vs. Galactic Republic

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Publicado em 30 Jun 2021 / Em Notícias & Política

Part 1 [out of 3 or 4, depending on the pace] of the Galactic Republic -- American Republic comparison miniseries. Enjoy and comment down below.

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eldrazi317 4 anos atrás

I’d like to add my thoughts on how to become financial independent here if it’s alright. Your previous video made me want to write this because you mentioned an important pattern I’ve noticed as well. Many are stuck in the phase, the anger and indignancy of their emotions from they’re discovering or experiencing but not using the knowledge to further adapt and thrive. Instead they allow themselves to fall into a state of stagnation.

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eldrazi317 4 anos atrás

A man wishing to thrive and improve himself should focus on obtaining a 400k to a million dollars. I think that is the minimum requirement to become self sufficient. Since having that amount allocated across stocks, bonds and high interest saving accounts plus use of CD accounts allows a man to not have to work for money but instead start working to obtain more opportunities in live. And with the rise of wealth one can focus on creating these companies and solutions that we hear everyone speak about in the manosphere. Such work will obviously take a lot of time and effort but if done right and wisely then anything can be achieved with sufficient time. The most important quality to strive for is to not be controlled by ones emotions. From what I’ve read fear and desire are the greatest emotions that the majority of people suffer from and as such they have a difficult time dealing with. To be precise the ability to control one’s fear of money and desire for more, more and more. Fir uncontrollably spending is the antithesis of wealth generation. One should instead be wise and selective in how end when they spend these resources since they are an extension of one’s free will and character as a person. One’s “stuff” is an extension of who they are and how they present themselves. And through a combination of saving, CD accounts with the highest interest rate you can find, same with online saving accounts one can build up their wealth given enough time. Especially if one invests in stocks and is wise about it—not putting in more than what is chump change fir that person. Therefore, like I mentioned before investing one’s time, energy, and resources in worthless pursuits can leave one penny less. Be it finesse or any other area, as such one should try to be wise when spending their time, energy and resources for these things will be an extension of oneself and who they are.

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eldrazi317 4 anos atrás

Sorry for the long post!

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eldrazi317 4 anos atrás

Another point I can add is, when working don’t work for money but instead work for opportunities! Money will follow the opportunities!

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SIGMA78 4 anos atrás

Well we live in a gynocentric rebellion like in the rebellion from Star Wars, We are the ultimate RedPill sith’s which we’ll hopefully win...I’was once a Bluepill Obi wan, Now I’m I’ve gladly turned to the RedPill dark side which at least the empire was right in the star wars universe and hidden lore, The soybels like laya or rae or simpwalker were a bunch of wokeys. Nice play on words for the title because that describes our clown show of a world full of purple haired jabbah the slutty-huts perfectly.
; )

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Johnny_Cage 4 anos atrás

Lol. I love how you put this. Despite disliking the evil and destruction and terrorism that the Sith almost always bring, I find myself identifying with them MORE and MORE each day/month that goes by. Weakness will inevitably lead to [often irreversible] destruction and stagnation when said pathetic weakness is not PURGED periodically. We're seeing the results of the proliferation of insanity, degeneracy, and unnatural shit of all kinds: ideologies/politics, people's genetic robustness, and especially their weak psychology. Too much genetic weakness has been saved from being wiped out, due to this super-modern environment preventing the Scythe of Natural Evolution from doing its job. In Star Wars, this is the place/job of the Sith and the Dark Side; it's funny how the Jedi and the storytellers in Star Wars never explicitly acknowledge that the Darkness is a part of the Natural Order for a reason. When too much weakness grows too large, and begins preventing organisms from continually becoming stronger and more adaptive, then the forces of Destruction/Pain/Disaster must rise and bring Balance, right? That's what's about to happen here on Earth soon. Mentally, psychologically, emotionally, physically, and genetically weak/deficient humans are in control of society, and have perverted the Natural Order from taking its course. I have a lot to say about this topic; I might make a video about it....

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SIGMA78 4 anos atrás


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SIGMA78 4 anos atrás

Which I couldn’t sleep at nigh the same way knowing that Epstein, Hillary Clinton, John Podesta or Gorge Soros are actually demons from hell.

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SIGMA78 4 anos atrás

It totally explains their boundless cruelty against children because of the fact that they’re demonic.

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SIGMA78 4 anos atrás

@Johnny_Cage: Pretty much makes so much reasonable sense in regards to these uncanny parallels like how these secret societies controlled by demonic entities from the hell realms. It’s terrifying that our governments are literally controlled by non physical forces so dangerously evil that they wish us humans or benevolent spirits harm. I’ve learned about how adrenochrome allows these evil entities to influence humanity in such a way. Like the saying goes...We became weak, We allowed traitors to govern us...We allowed evil to prey on us...The evil and corruption only grew. Which the main cause according to shamans, they state that we humans had severed our connection to spirit which is totally correct and since then. Very diabolical forces were able to contact and deceive humanity ever since humans ingested the blood containing adrenochrome from sacrifices even allowed demons to gain human bodies thus becoming the infamous reptilian hybrids which aren’t actually aliens from the conspiracy theory labels which honestly tell very important truths regarding these reptilians, What reptilian means is actually demonic entities who have access to human bodies. Even BPOS/RPOS even pointed that out about demonic incarnation and adreneochrome

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sithsith 4 anos atrás

America is following the same path as their fellow European brothers.
I dare to say if America falls , it could allow for feminism to be taken care of.

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