Part 1 of Star Wars miniseries: American Republic vs. Galactic Republic
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Publicado em 30 Jun 2021 / Em
Notícias & Política
Part 1 [out of 3 or 4, depending on the pace] of the Galactic Republic -- American Republic comparison miniseries. Enjoy and comment down below.
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I’d like to add my thoughts on how to become financial independent here if it’s alright. Your previous video made me want to write this because you mentioned an important pattern I’ve noticed as well. Many are stuck in the phase, the anger and indignancy of their emotions from they’re discovering or experiencing but not using the knowledge to further adapt and thrive. Instead they allow themselves to fall into a state of stagnation.
Well we live in a gynocentric rebellion like in the rebellion from Star Wars, We are the ultimate RedPill sith’s which we’ll hopefully win...I’was once a Bluepill Obi wan, Now I’m I’ve gladly turned to the RedPill dark side which at least the empire was right in the star wars universe and hidden lore, The soybels like laya or rae or simpwalker were a bunch of wokeys. Nice play on words for the title because that describes our clown show of a world full of purple haired jabbah the slutty-huts perfectly.
; )
America is following the same path as their fellow European brothers.
I dare to say if America falls , it could allow for feminism to be taken care of.