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Patrick Christys- Why can-t our government be as vigilant as we’re going to have to be at Chriss

Published on 03 Dec 2021 / In Film & Animation

Here we have it? Two years of Open Prison and now the UK Government who by the way let thousands of migrants in, are saying there is a REAL fear of Terrorism (that they themselves will be sure to propagate )? AND we the pubic must be vigilant? Not only that we are expected to police the terrorism? WTF. I'm not putting my ASS on the fucking line for either Terrorist WANKER's or GOVERMENT Wanker's. (both probably the same thing anyways)? More pathetic Scaremongering and FEAR propagation? do you know what? I'M past giving a SHIT anymore? We know this is bullshit because the Government after two years of imprisonment have the fucking Cheek to load or try to load this crap on the public for who's benefit? THEIR'S.

I've lived through Vietnam, Nuclear threat's Feminism, and the Irish problem's and never seen a fucking fire cracker nether loan a bomb, In fact I red a while back that the British government did all the bombing by infiltrating the IRA to blame them for the problems? Now these CUNT's want us to be vigilant over Christmas? Yeh right that's gonna be fucking easy isn't it if we do go into lock down again. They have actually said "They want us to work with Police" to be vigulant? WTF? after the way those "CUNTstable" have behaved towards the public through covid? they can go fuck themselves. Personally I wouldn't waste my PISS from a very full Christmas Bladder to put one of those CUNT's out if it was on fire.

It's ALL Stick and NO Carrot but as history has shown many times before, there WILL come a time when they will REALLY need our help or compliance? Well they can FUCK OFF - in capital letter's! I would honestly prefer to DIE than help those CUNT's to do anything, even to my benefit? because you know it will come with a price that will only effect YOU when they have got what they wanted?

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