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Patterns of a Woman (RED PILL)

Published on 10 Apr 2020 / In Film & Animation

⁣Pay close attention to a woman's behavior towards her last bf/husband.
How did she treat him during the relationship? Did she cheat on him? If
she did it to him she will do it to you. That is her pattern that she
will not deviate from. It is only a matter of time before the sick cycle
is repeated again. Every relationship she has is the same, with the
same problems, turmoils and headaches. Never commit to a woman who
cheated with you! If she cheated WITH you it is inevitable she will
cheat ON you. She is a cheater, she proved that by cheating on her
previous man with you. That is her pattern. Women never deviate from
their established life set pattern

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Stalwart 5 years ago

Humility -- the knowledge that I'm not going to be any better than any of the ones before -- is such an important defense against the evil manipulation. No matter how hard I try and how much I achieve, I have zero confidence that I'll ever be enough or be able to change someone else, and this has protected me many times. Remember -- you're not special. This knowledge will rescue you.

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