Pawns and Levers
Published on 25 Feb 2023 / In
Film & Animation
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Multiple parts of a "series"?
Just asking for a friend (Popp/Blake).
When you are on the bus just make out you are deaf if a femon say's anything to ya! On modern buses space is made for the disabled in the UK anyways, there are flip down seats in that space that you have to give up for a disabled person if needs be, but NOT for femons or their pushchairs. In fact when I was a kid the only pushchairs allowed on a bus were folding types that went below the stairs and the femon had to hold the kid in the day. If this 15 min city shit takes off the first to suffer thankfully will be the Femon's, Us MEN will already have it covered with what we can get away with. I have no problem with all this shit because I have the pleasure of seeing it ALL fail - and it WILL!
Ah, Airwolf! I loved that show!
The video was interestingly deep. A father uses his son as a pawn to avenge on his old partner. He himself confined to life on a wheelchair. Did Hawke made him gave his seat during one of his bus ride a long time ago?
Equality is a bitch, the bitch is that the femon thinking equity is just. It is only feminist Marxist rhetoric to justify institutional supremacy over men.