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Pay, Spray & Send Her Away! - MGTOW

Published on 30 Oct 2022 / In People & Blogs

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Chris Whalen CPA

Women Who Stay Single and Don’t Have Kids Are Getting Richer

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from David and here's what he very briefly has to say: "Hi Sandman, Thank you for addressing the painful situation of modern feminism and wokeness with humor and truth. Your work is important." Well Dave thanks for the donation. I thought I'd cover an article called "Women Who Stay Single & Don't Have Kids Are Getting Richer from Bloomberg. The article sites Federal Reserve stats that show single unmarried American women have accumulated 65 thousand dollars in savings while single men only have 57 thousand dollars. So were now starting to see both feminists and traditionalist simps go into damage control mode so that they can somehow make it appear that women are suffering even when they are surging forward in standard of life when compared to men. To make women appear to be economic victims when they are the victors. The first place I came across this story was on Linked In News. It said that women who skip marriage and motherhood have bigger bank accounts when compared to single men. But women's salaries take a hit after having kids, a phenomenon experts call the "motherhood penalty." So women are victims for being mothers now. I'll read bits and pieces from the Bloomberg article as well. The majority of the article goes into mostly reasons why women aren't having kids. Mostly socio-economic ones and is boring. Here are some of the interesting points and I quote: "Ashley Marrero figures she’s taken 10 trips in the last 12 months, often with friends from a group of about 25 people who are largely unmarried and don’t have children. Anna Dickson, 41, who recently traveled to Napa Valley with Marrero and some of their friends says. “All these people are so smart, talented, put together, and they don’t have kids—they’re very independent,” says Dickson, a product manager at Google who is divorced and now lives with her boyfriend of five years in Manhattan’s Hell’s Kitchen. “And I was like, ‘I want that, I want to do all of that.’” The life Marrero and Dickson have chosen does have its drawbacks. People who are single and child-free pay more in taxes. And housing is a lot harder to afford on one income than two, especially with home prices and rents at record highs and mortgage rates on the rise. Another worry for those without children is who will care for them in their old age. For Dickson, the pluses of parenthood don’t outweigh the minuses. “I like to travel, pick up and go whenever I want to,” says Dickson, whose jaunts with her extended family of friends in the past year have included Alaska and Anguilla. “I’d rather regret not having kids than regret having them.” As for Marrero, she’s still paying to store her eggs in case she changes her mind. But she’s certain that even if she doesn’t, she won’t feel like she’s missed out. “If you don’t have children, it may or may not be a choice,” she says. “But that should have nothing to do with your happiness. You can be so happy going this route, too.” unquote I'll discuss the disaster that the childless west is about to become with women making and saving the majority of the money in just a moment but let me first tell you about today's sponsor Chris Whalen:

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MrJman 2 years ago

Divorce does help them. That is a factor at play. Also less people are getting married so it is just one factor. Other factors I see is lots of society is trying to feminize men. Chemicals are lowering testerone. Somehow autism is growing especially in men. Society would help females over males. Also many simps try harder if they had a female in their lives. Those type of men need Sandman's red pills.

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

Autism is related to the "underage" vaccinations infants are given. No infant should receive any vaccinations (or breatfeeding mother) until after the infant is at least one year old. Before that, the infant does not have a developed immune system. They get their antibodies from the mother's breast milk, and I suspect artificial breast milk makes infants more susceptible to autism. Make the bitch breast feed! That's what those mommy milkers are for dammit!

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

Damn. Definitely a good video. I loved how you picked up your steak knives and carved into this study or two like a starving person! I am glad there are still critically thinking men like myself! I swear we are a dying breed... either by ignorance, driven to suicide by family courts, by hatred as "terrorist bomber incels" the lame stream media is trying to label us-- by the way, Joker was correct: We need to replace incel with a new word or "neologism" and stop using incel; and by "you rapist sexist pedophile creeps" lied as labels by women and lesbian feminazis, but I repeated myself. With "Common Marriage Laws" changing almost as quickly as our life style habits, dating or hooking up will make one "married" and taken to the cleaners by family courts. As Cappy said, just pay for it-- fly to the Bunny Ranch (what he says for whiny virgins) or to the Caribbean (be careful at Puerto Rico) and spread you seed if need be. Don't have kids unless you use oversea surrogates and you pay her to leave! Though, you may have to pay for her daily diet for the kid's sake.

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havok545 2 years ago

" Women grow by men." Shakespeare

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hqwebsite 2 years ago

With MeToo, sperm jacking and co-habitation rule, marriage contract won't even be necessary.

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

Oh man, I wanted to be the first to stay that... it's so true.

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

@WMHarrison94: I meant to say "say that?" LOL! Fucking auto-interrupt?!

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Mgvember 2 years ago

Well, if it isn't Brad 'agree with me or you hate women' Wilcox.

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