Paying My (Dis)Respects At The Holocaust Museum
Published on 20 Nov 2020 / In
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The Jew's (The Rich one's anyway), started WW2 by allowing Opportunist's like Hitler to get to power by using the Jewish Manipulation to allow it? the reason why the JEW's went to the concentration Camps first is because the Evil Jew's behind WW2 dare not at first send anyone else non Jew to the Gas Chamber's. they allowed Hitler to dispose of other undesirables when they had finished their part, namely the slave labor for the Factories that made them profit and money. we see exactly the same happening today with border jumpers being allowed in and doing the work for next to nothing as it is more than they had before, whilst for a time the indigenous lived in splendor.
That part is now over because that splendor was a lie to get your wealth to be robbed by the JEW's as people were in WW2. It's gonna' be interesting to see how this pan's out? but for me and my interest in past history, i see the same thing coming. you may say - Same SHIT different DAY! i am hoping many of use are wiser now? but i doubt it?
I do not actually care about how many PEOPLE died in WWII...NOT when the deaths are used as a tool to attain power via propaganda, obscured history, and corruption of laws.
I last heard the total was down to approximately 6 million.
I approximate 3 million.
Just an....approximation.
(The 'Authorities' on the matter approximate. I approximate, in kind.)
That an approximation that does not coincide with that of the 'experts' is now considered a crime in some countries is telling...of corruption.
For that, I now approximate, 2.5 million.
1.7 million.
Wow. Pulling numbers out of thin air IS easy. Who would of thunk it?!
The volume of Russians that died during the same war makes the 'grandeur' of losses experienced by Jewish...paltry.