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Penis wars 2, Every man against white men

Published on 13 Mar 2022 / In Film & Animation

Every man including white men is working against every white man
Meanwhile the Jews and foreigners are using all of our money to become business owners at 18 with zero investment or college education.
They fund their own sons so they can fuck our daughters,and in return we give them priority and preferencial treatment above our own sons.
And so that's why that blonde blue eyed white man is alone,while barbie is married to Tyrone or Mohammed
It's because we stopped investing in our Sons,but other races did not
This is all financial and the money and property are now weapons being used to perpetuate our genocide.
Wake up and start to care about young white men. Regardless of how "pretty" they are. Once I take women's rights away and pass them out among every white man suddenly their won't be any more incels they won't exist because they'll have war brides birthing them 7-10 white children each.
Our people our own sons our fellow white men are what and who is important their happiness their future their sperm contribution is important. I don't give a shit how ugly they are I don't care if they don't look like "Chad" I need them pumping sperm into white women over and over again.
So yes,I hate eugenicists

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