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People are Collapsing Spontaneously all over China! Why?

387 subscribers
Published on 29 Oct 2023 / In Film & Animation


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KEEPER 1 year ago  

this is already happening in America very subtly, and will continue to happen and become worse as time moves on, but it's happening to us on a smaller scale, let me use the example of women in our culture, they have demonized men to the extent that men simply won't help women anymore, and to be honest i don't blame men for this course of action, right now in our society this kind of needs to happen in order for us to learn from all these ideologies to stop this direction from happening, but they have to feel the pain first before they think about reversing direction.

what i'm trying to say is, in order for society to learn from this, is it needs to happen enough times to get people out of this rut we allowed ourselves to fall into.

we know feminism is a tool of communists in order to subvert and destroy your society, it's meant to break down the social structures to the point when we all accept the new communist rules.

it's going to start very slowly trickling down into everything we do, but eventually everyone will be doing the same things as these people in China, will it get this far for us? i honestly don't know, the difference is they accepted communism a long time ago and their society is very indoctrinated and we as an entire country haven't yet accepted it.

so we might have a fighting chance to stop this.

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KEEPER 1 year ago

the solution is pain, until it can not be bared any longer.

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