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People Dress Like SLOBS Nowadays

Published on 15 Mar 2025 / In People & Blogs

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Toki 21 hours ago

I'm a simple man of black boots one pair only. That's one pair of shoes being the all-purpose boots = Work, go to store to buy supplies, and self-defense weapon if needed. I don't care about showing off and I have no need to have any dress shoes because I'm a hermit monk who doesn't want to go anywhere anyways in this shallow human society.
Then I wear jeans or camo pants. Simple stuff. Functional, sturdy, many pockets. Pocket latches to secure the wallet.
For a shirt I wear old scruffy t-shirts of various manly things. A P-51 Mustang from Pearl Harbor Museum. Nothing fancy for sure. Some basic heavy shirts for cold the oddly named sweatshirts. An odd name considering I wear them to keep warm instead of sweat.
The thing is there is no good fashion for sale really. All modern clothes from the last twenty or so years are more expensive, yet lower quality like everything else that is a product made by corporations instead of men with their own business in true free trade. Because we have corpos and Gov instead of free trade.
Anyways a man should not care because who are you trying to impress? Women? Why? To get scammed? My scruffy man clothes keep people away which is exactly the result I want. People don't fuck you when you look rough and poor.
Also shave that pornstache Nick. Or grow a full beard around the face. My father has the dadstache but that was his generation so it's fine. Now it just looks silly on men our age and younger.
How about the Girlphone? I don't own one. I have a house phone and desktop PC because I'm not a female with delicate hands for a touchscreen device.
What I really want is some power armor or medieval armor. But sadly that does not exist for purchase.

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Toki 21 hours ago

Some sweatpants and ugly pink crocs are still better than the nigger culture fashion.

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Toki 21 hours ago

Still better than wearing a suit. Suits are like women's fashion for men apparently. The shoulderpads being the most pathetic part. You don't have shoulders Nick. Because you are a slob who doesn't work. You are an internet slob unemployed and unproductive trying to monetize your content.
"Donate to protection fund." Gissa job slob.

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audiophile641 1 day ago

Agreed most young men that see these mangina butt plug, simping ass terrible looking men with their fat ugly femtard harpie wives definitely saying im gonna stay single and in control of their lives in whatever they want to do rather than be ruled by some feminist demon.I see so many guys paying the bills for some big fat slob and breeding 100 kids with them and I just weep for the future.So many guys are just weak followers and cucks its a shame to say this but its true. Never married and no kids for me and I lived my whole life by that rule, I see what happens and becomes of men that live that blue pilled life,its nothing more than a trap for men that gives all the power to women and the state and govt over the man.

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