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Deeper Things 3 - RedKnight

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People Have Lost Their Minds After The Solar Eclipse

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Published on 16 Apr 2024 / In Film & Animation

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hndsoff 10 months ago

How do you know its the eclipse, all this is normal behavior for niggers, pre or post eclipse

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sauger1001 10 months ago

19:15. Another Jeffrey Dahmer copycat? Just asking for a friend (Popp/Blake).

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sauger1001 10 months ago

12:50. A 19yr old chick going out with a dude she only knew as a coworker (let me guess, no fatherly guidance at home)? Not the wisest move.

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I'd like to watch the video - but I can't be fucked watching idiots lose their minds over the moon going between the sun and the earth, as it has done so more or less monthly for the last 6 billion years...

I'd watch videos on the lunatics being lovingly clubbed to death with a spiked bat, just like a baby seal, in order to calm them down and drive out their demons....

"Oh noes - it went dark.... Signs of Satan and the End of times... Shriek! Shriek! - Arrrggggghhhhhh Save me Jesus, Save Me."


"Fancy that - it's gone dark and quiet too - it's a miracle!"

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Councilof1 10 months ago

I looked at that event as I have on others like this: either something would happen or something wouldn't, either way there's little I could do. The most amazing thing was watching people lose their mind's.

Even though I was in a place that was in the path I didn't bother going outside to take a look. I figured I was better off inside in case the crazies went crazy. It did get surprisingly dark outside I actually had to turn a light on.

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Oh noes - it went dark.... Signs of Satan and the End of times... Shriek! Shriek! - Arrrggggghhhhhh Save me Jesus, Save Me.

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RedKnight 10 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: yeah I woke up saw it and went back to bed lol, people, especially religiously paranoid people, especially, put the eclipse on a pedistol and they almost worhsip it out of fear. All that happened that it got dark and got light, THATS IT. I used to be one of those paranoid people, back in 2009, it got me nowhere, what ever gonna happen is gonna happen, just find peace while theres still time, thats all i got for these people :P

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@TheRedKnight: IF the eclipse is at a time and a place, for at least some good viewing... It's worth a look at - especially if it passes straight over you and your in the absolute dead center of it... Absolutely worth watching... Like the moon doesn't spin around the earth like a pea on a plate... The plate is substantially tilted and the plate spins too... NOW this is really rare... that the sun is way bigger than the earth, and it's just a LONG way away... SO there is a BIG soft long distance tapered cone of shadow from behind the earth.... AND then there is a very small, tightly tapered cone, a shadow of absolutely no light, coming from behind the earth....... AND IF the moon goes only through the BIG shadow... it's a reddish eclipse.... BUT absolutely rarely - really fucking rarely - as in really really really rarely - the moon will go DEAD CENTER through the shadow, or cone of absolutely NO light..... and because the moon is as black as coal.... when it goes into that cone of absolutely NO light - it completely goes absolutely black and cannot be seen.... The moon just "disappears" into the blackness of space... I have seen it happen - I stood outside one night - all external lighting switched off... and watched the whole thing.... You want to see a planet disappear into the blackness of space..... Tripping.... Far Out... Keep in tune with this: ------ -------- Central lunar eclipse Central lunar eclipse is a total lunar eclipse during which the Moon passes through the centre of Earth's shadow, contacting the antisolar point.[9] This type of lunar eclipse is relatively rare.

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AND because of the extraordinarily low levels of light - and the HUGE distances etc., this is really an area of specialist photography..... You can see it with your eyes - with the adjustment for night time, say 30 minutes outside with no exterior lighting or red night lighting that permits night vision to exist.... you NEED a fairly large amount of telescopic magnification to capture the event - the moon is actually small and a long way off... and the light levels are kind of like a candle at 20 meters away.... Starlight only.... more or less. So if your going to get into photographing these things, get your practice in with tracking, long exposure times etc. and only under startlight / full mon / 1/2 moon / 1/4 moon and new moon light levels... It really matters on the HUGE variance in fractional light levels.... Like a fish tank..... If the depth is say 50cm.... the last 2mm of water in the bottom, well it's not much, unless your a cellular sized bit of life like algea, bacteria, potozea etc... then the 2mm is HUGE.... same with the light levels...

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@TheRedKnight: There are settings on this page for your region and type of LUNAR (or solar) eclipses...

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