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People Projecting Negative Traits Onto All of Humanity

126 Görünümler
yayınlandı 03 Feb 2021 / İçinde Kişiler ve Bloglar

The pics are from a recent visit to Valley of Fire State Park, near Las Vegas.

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RoboCat 4 yıl önce

"Coming to you guys with a short video"
[ 23 minutes ]

Well anyway, the author of the video is correct that people at large typically project their own thoughts unto others instead of trying to understand other people. The example of people thinking men are too weak to resist a sexy woman is not a bad one but it is flawed. They're not saying that men in general cannot resist a sexy woman, they're saying that normal men can't resist a woman. Everyone understands that high echelon men can resist a woman but in their mind, other men will just always take whatever they can get which is generally true.

Don't get me wrong, it's 100% correct that most men are unable to think with their bigger head and are in fact, too weak. My point is that the average person , even as stupid and dishonest as they typically are, CAN distinguish between a strong man and a weak man, it's just that what they regard as "a strong man" is almost always very wrong which is why from our perspective it seems like they just flatly believe that men cannot resist their impulses, as if men are a big ball of negative traits but this is a miscommunication, as I said.

To put it in the most ultrafag way possible; People are like the moon in that they offer no light of their own. What they show is only false light even when it shines brightly. Their positive traits are in fact only a reflection of someone else's work that they take credit for, while the negative traits they have are constantly pulling people back and forth like the tides with no real goal or purpose...... or something like that.

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Johnny_Cage 4 yıl önce

23 minutes is short for me. I used to regularly do 45-90 minute videos. That example at the end about the Moon is spot-on; that's a fantastic comparison. It's true: most these Normies just collect/capture and reflect others' light as their own; then they think they

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Johnny_Cage 4 yıl önce

Actually have accomplished something. I've had supervisors and managers steal my ideas for improvement at work, then use their power to intimidate me into not telling the higher bosses. They count on you having to have a job, so they can shit all over you and steal your light and you not being willing to risk getting fired.

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mrghoster 4 yıl önce

Psychopath "Project" their failings onto everyone else to make themselves look great and fake honor and humility. This Satanic world is run by Psychopath's and Narcissist's so much now that the humble PLEB is becoming a Psychopath as well, it will all end badly . i personally have good health but age is in my favor as I'm getting old and a lot of this stuff hopefully i wont be around to see fore-filled?

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mrghoster 4 yıl önce

The thing with stuff like the environment is they corrupter's ruin the it with their pollution and polluting products and blame us for buying their shit. This planet is more than enough able to cope for itself and the environment thing is a ploy for greedy ASSHOLES to make money by creating a problem and making Us pay for their doings. Without large amounts of Co2 the human race wouldn't exist anyway's? This Global warming thing really pisses me off that people are dumb enough to believe the BULLSHIT? Somethings in your heart you just feel are corrupt and for me this is one of them. I bet they would complain if we suddenly stopped buying all their shitty products for whatever reason and they were losing money hand over fist?

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mrghoster 4 yıl önce

As a MGTOW Monk money doesn't mean much at all to me. Real Wealth is in what you DO not what you Spend on or Buy. humans basically are ASSHOLES sad to say, but if I had true power I would do my best to change that. Don't ask how because I know that will never be an option for me. My best option to date is to AVOID Assholes most of my life I've been surrounded by them so I can spot an Asshole at 1000 paces! lol!

Even from my stance now, if I came into lot's of money somehow? I just don't know what I would spend it on? I would probably buy the odd nice thing, why not? essential nice things that is. I would love to be able to stay as invisible as I am now and help those in need anonymously just to see their face's from a safe distance? I wouldn't splash the cash or be noticed, I would dress as I do now "Like shit"! I certainly with my knowledge I have gained NOT involve females in any form or way.

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mrghoster 4 yıl önce

As a STOIC based person, a MGTOW Monk, Meditation's has helped me a lot. Not least the are of "NEGATIVE VISUALIZATION". Now despite the word Negative this is one of the lost positive things I learned to do.

Explanation of Negative Visualization - Suppose you know tomorrow you have to fix something on your car? You know how to do the job BUT what if? supposing a bolt breaks or something seizes? This is where Negative visualization comes in. First have the tools ready that you may or may not even need. Have a replacement bolt or at least know where you can get one? etc, etc.

The morning comes, you are prepared. You do the job and there is not a single problem? That is a Victory for you. however you do the job and a bolt seizes BUT you free it with some WD40 you had ready. the bolt releases and the job is done, again for you it is a Victory. The morning comes the job seems to completely go wrong in every way BUT YOU had the mind to be PREPARED so you eventually complete the job because you were prepared. A victory for you.

The secret to "Negative visualization" is this, Like a Boy Scout "Be Prepared" BUT put the negative thoughts to the back of your mind, don't dwell on them. they will be there with a fix if you need them. Baden Powell who created the Boy Scout's was a Stoic, so be prepared guy's. It makes life far easier. you could say I'm an Optimistic Pessimist, up beat and optimistic, rather than a Pessimistic Optimist who is destined to be disappointed from the start with overly grand impossible goals? Peace.

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