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RedPIll pt 15 - RedKnight

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People Think Virgins Are Disgusting and Perverted :(

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Published on 29 Jan 2024 / In People & Blogs

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usr6874038614 7 months ago

No, not society, but feminists have labelled virginity as disgusting, since it takes their "freedom" to be a 304 away. And we all know what their agenda is.
Incel is just another term for shaming men, which is feminists' favorite passtime.
Be you, be great, and watch the rest of the world rot in its own immorality. It will happen. Sheeple are not survivors, contemplaters are.

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Mustang 1 year ago

Random thoughts on this Video :

Bro, having sex with a 304 is VASTLY OVERRATED by my fellow men and Society.

A 304's Vagina is VASTLY OVERRATED by my fellow men and Society.

Bro, you are not missing out on much by being a Virgin and not dating.

I held out and remained a Virgin until I was in my Mid 40's, then I disobeyed Gods Commandments about not Fornicating and sacrificed my integrity and had Intercourse for the first time. What a big disappointment!!!!!! I thought to myself "This is what men marry for?!?!? Why my left hand can give me a twenty times better orgasm than this 304's Vagina". I was also glad I never got married because I sure would have been disappointed on my wedding night!!! You mean to tell me I am going to have to put up with this woman's B.S. for 60 years for this overrated experience?!?!?! Bottom line is I regret giving up my Virginity and wish I had never done it.

Bro, here are good/positive things about being a Virgin and not dating :
A. NO STD's!!!!!!!!!!
B.No unwanted pregnancies and paying child support for 23 years!!!
C. Not having to deal with 304 drama!!!
D. No false sexual harresment or rape charges.
F. Much easier to stay on your purpose and fulfill your goals for your life.

Bro, I hope you see my Post. I have been on this Earth 71 years and think I have at least some wisdom to impart to younger men. Please learn from my mistakes. God bless and good luck. Mustang

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sauger1001 1 year ago

More proof that we as a society AND a nation, have completely morally gone off the rails. We're SUPPOSED to be celibate until marriage. Though Monk Mode now, I'm as guilty as most others initially failing at that. Of course we're promoting and doing the exact opposite, to the point that we have videos of waah☻️men with Herpes lamenting being "stigmatized" (credit to Jeremy at "The Quartering"), and bc (sensible) men (at least the ones in whom they show an interest) are avoiding them once they're informed. Doubtful there's any chance of a reversal to what's right, except as an individual choice, but not as a society; at least... not yet. Count your blessings, bro. Whether or not you get married, you still have an opportunity to do what's morally right. Sex... at least in today's era, is vastly overrated. JMO.

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I thought by the look of him, that he, with his fair and flawless and pale complexion, was actually a girl / lesbian....

That "she" was going to lecture us all on these issues.

Then I heard the deep voice......

"OH it's a lesbian with a deep voice. How progressive!"


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mrghoster 1 year ago

I thought it was a Girl at first and the deep voice was a dub over whilst the girl was speaking in the silent background!

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@mrghoster: There is no fooling you.... I just said that stupid shit so that people would think they are smarter than me....

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mrghoster 1 year ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: An ironic sense of humor is ideal for getting through a Clown Planet life!

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@mrghoster: I think "intelligence" comes from having to think things through and work things out... Like for instance - in this video - notice the accuracy of the spear throwing - they are aiming for the elephants eyes.... that takes skill and 3 D targeting and aiming... In the days before the CrapOnalds Drive Through. - but the Africans are all supposed to be dumb cunts - but their culture does not need the ability to compute mathematically etc.., so they are not fundamentally stupid, just like people who use digital watches, cannot read anologue clocks... (with hands)...

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@mrghoster: This is why I question some of the aspects OF measuring intelligence.

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sauger1001 1 year ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: Proverbs 1:7 and Jeremiah 10:23 seem more accurate to me, since we humans can't get out of our own way. The end results are obvious. JMO.

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mrghoster 1 year ago

Being an INCEL is just a tag, it means NOTHING buddy. It's like Every dude who ride's a motorcycle is accused of being a trouble maker or Hell's Angel or some CRAP like that. I don't know if you've noticed orr not, that women today have a delusional mindset where NO MAN or Guy is good enough. the result of this thinking is passed on to you subconsciously. their Impossible standards are Ridiculous and damaging for both Guys like you and the fefail themselves, they price themselves out of the market for dating because Guys just don't want all the drama and crap. What women WANT or what women THINK is of no consequence, You find your self a good interest and forget all this CRAP. If SHE is out there let HER find you and NOT vise versa. All the time YOU worry about this shit YOUR life is wasting away, go live my friend and if that pussy comes one day just be very careful. Being a Virgin is no other assholes business. Peace bro.

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