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Pepsico explaining how it uses Tesla Semi electric trucks on 400 mile plus trips each day

Published on 13 Aug 2023 / In Film & Animation

This is very impressive, Pepsi driver Hernesto Sandoval talks about driving the Tesla semi over 400 miles per day to deliver Pepsi products across California. Recharging from 10% to 90% in under 30 minutes. God Bless Tesla for working to reduce pollution. Only big oil company employees who want to kill our grandchildren by toxic diesel engine fumes speak against electric vehicles.

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I am perfectly OK with the electric truck idea - but the green washing in this "advertorial" for a toxic junk food manufacturer, is absolute bullshit.

The electricity has to come from somewhere...

Carbon Dioxide is the FOOD OF LIFE - everything depends upon it.

No CO2 = No plants.
No plants = no food.
No food = everything starves.

Fuck this World Economic Forum global depopulation scam bullshit.

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sbseed 1 year ago

i find it hilarious how they absolutely avoid talking about chemicals and actual dangers of not only building the 'vehicles' and specifically the dangers of the batteries used for this nonsense and what kind of chemicals are spewed out by the factories that make that shit.

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Run upwind..... It's on fire.

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sbseed 1 year ago

there is 0 (zero) way that you could do long haul on one of those....
no one in their right mind would EVER drive that rolling flame bomb...
i am so glad these fools are all down in commiefornication, please continue to make that area burn even more.

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sbseed 1 year ago

LMAO!!! the stupid disease is real....
lets completely ignore the amount of electricity they need to provide to those "trucks" and how far they can actually go...
the absolute uselessness and waste of money here is absolutely mind boggling.

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It's a bit like seeing fresh cat shit in the loungeroom and smelling it.... well these promotional videos ARE scripted, and they all smack of mind fuck bullshit - they are all manufactured to promote an agenda. You can smell the fucking catshit - there is a bucket of it behind the lounge, in the corner..... I just realised, "I have awoken" - to their fucking crap..... "Click" and all the pieces of the jig saw puzzle are in place. The OVERT bullshit... and the glaring holes...

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