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Pharmacist Proves Scamarona Vax Will Give You Aids


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Published on 15 Aug 2021 / In People & Blogs


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Swagoku666 4 years ago

What if u had only 1 shot not all 3 doses?

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wildcat4mation 4 years ago

It already hijacked you. If you do not get another shot and you were to be exposed to the virus again, you would not be able to fight it off. It is almost like a transmitter and a receiver. The Covid is like a transmitter and the vaccine is the receiver. The trasmitter will throw all these viruses at you and you need a receiver to absorb it. Once you do not have the receiver in your body, you will have to succumb to transmitter poisoning.

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Swagoku666 4 years ago

@wildcat4mation: but i have family members who took their first doses in april and are still walking now IN AUGUST

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wildcat4mation 4 years ago

@Swagoku666: I am reading where it states 6 months. But of course, there could be new strains being created as we speak.

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Swagoku666 4 years ago

@wildcat4mation: unfortunately it seems more and more common that what u have been saying about the vaccine killing people is not happening

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jimmy93 3 years ago

@wildcat4mation: do you think it will kill of you that fast it will take time before it kills of people

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wildcat4mation 3 years ago

@Swagoku666: I don't think it will kill people in the short term, but it definitely will have an influence long term. In fact, I think this whole thing was an experiment gone wrong or was intended.

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hectorsulla12 4 years ago

Hey amir. Do you think there is a connection between taliban pashtun people and the 10 lost tribes of israel?

Is it not ironic that feminist USA wants to send their low-salaried hyper-incel military people with jodie behind their backs while going out without the possibility of getting some spoils of war (i.e., taking your enemies daughters and wives) to get rid of a tribe that wants to implement religious laws where adulterers get stoned, women have to be modest and chaste, and there are more important things to worry about than some flu bug or debating face diapers. Then to make the middle east feminist and have more than half of the population single, frustrated, and horny with their thot women who will tease them and therefore make them more radicalized and susceptible to carry out more large-scale, nothing-to-lose attacks.

The anglobitchthesis blog states that feminism is the ultimate expression of anglo saxon values and centuries of puritanism. He claims that anglo saxons are not only of a low breed (e.g., chavs, trailer parks, barbarians), passive, conformist, priggy, or matriarchal (e.g., princess diana cult, "about her majesty the queen" predilection towards the rule of queens) nature but in a puritanical Christian context they repress sex, elevate women, demonize men for their desires, and see sex as evil when it is the ultimate life force when channeled and regulated correctly. I might add to it centuries of forest goddess worship paganism along with those in power of the anglo world order being the physical and spiritual manifestation of the amalekite ideaology which holds on to darwinism, atheism, secularism, liberalism, scienticism (crown virus), hollywoodism, and baal worship.

I think that women are going more for oofy doofies or slubby hubbies in their social circles. The thing is middle classes or upper classes they commute in cars or attend private events, or just meet each other in church, mutual friends/family, and classes. The low class and proles out in the street they are seeking protector nice to me tough to others or tough to me tough to other types instead of provider types and I think women just go for what is in close proximity, their type is what they have gotten before, or what is promoted in the media, but they have no sexuality and are hardwired for survival, form cliques, to be taken as the spoils of wars and join harems for the conquerors in charge (hence their fascination with some “cute” serial killers, cult leaders, or gangs but because of modern society only manifests itself mainly with low class women or a few higher class demonically possessed (mentally ill) women)

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Emre 4 years ago

Hey Amr, check out the video. The women protest in the Taliban's place. They want to test the limits of Taliban and they cannot do much because the world community / states are watching and judging it negatively. At the end of it all, the women there want a feminist/gynocentric state. they are still small group but they will grow and the western world will help them, taliban are on pressure. That show how much powerful women nowadays are. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4uMcHz4btmU What do you think about that ? Could you make a video about that ?

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csehszlovakze 4 years ago

even in Hungaristan they're pushing for the 3rd jab, BUT you can't get the same type! so, if you took the Chinese jab to avoid (((their))) GMO crap now you don't have a chance.

BTW, my boomer mother got the Chinese jab and now her heart is even more fucked up than before.


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Bagoodman 4 years ago

So where is the Pharmacist Proof ? I know the Jab is a scam to kill us .But I would still like to see the Pharmacist Proof . !

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Doggk 4 years ago

The virus can change your immune system as well... There's a good reason why they created it..

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Alpha Male Lifestyle
Alpha Male Lifestyle 4 years ago

He unwittingly told us that the Jabs give you temporary immunity only 3 months which is way less than your God given immune system. It would be interesting to see what happens in the winter when people normally get the flu. I would not be surprised if vaxxed people do die from the flu because their immune system is compromised.

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Bagoodman 4 years ago

@Alpha Male Lifestyle: I have seen at least 3 Dr's say in the next 4to5 Years people will be dying by the thousands !

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