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Publicado en 14 Feb 2025 / En Personas y blogs

I will be making pill base content again black pill. I'll be basically making black pill 4.0. I will be bringing back my approach to making pill-based content to open the Eyes of men to the world we live in

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Hows Rumble working out?

Jewtube is a cunt fest of absolute bullshit... Long gone are the days of "It's a file sharing platform" - now it's just endless mind fuckery and nebulous rules and regulations and censoring and banning and deleting all your files and ..........

I won't even bother to upload anything on that site - and have not done so for years.

They got so arsewipe-ish that I deleted EVERYTHING - all chats, comments now there are just dead end accounts just sitting there.

It was mostly because they shadow banned me and were deleting most of my comments etc...

So I just told them to fuck off and wiped almost everything and left it at that.

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WMHarrison94 1 mes hace

Shadowbannwd? I've bedn complete banned... since 2020 October for stating how they were going yo do the Big Steal... now I hope they change the Amendment and Trump gets another four years 2029 to 3032... Then Vance and Trump Jr run and win. 8 more years, and then Trump Jr rins for eight more years followed by Baron Trump running and winning another eight years. Make the Trump meme real....

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@WMHarrison94: I have found that there are so many really clever and insighful people, that I have shifted from being on the cheersquad, to asking questions like, "Why are they doing this? Who does it benefit? Where does the paper trail lead? How much money are they making from it? Who's allied with who on this deal?" - you know like "WHY are they doing this?" then I look at what a diverse range of people are saying mostly on the subject and about these issues, and then come to perhaps a more enlightened conclusion. One of my friends who is very shrewd..... He sees through time and space and comes up with interesting and generally very accurate insights.... Like Amr was saying that Trump is going to fuck America, well my completely disconnected from all earthly sources of data, was saying the same thing.... and he gave his reasons - which were similar to Amr's and other peoples who are very intimately aquainted with the situations.... It's like moving past the shit on the TV and looking at the back room deals, before they get turned into bullshit scripts on the teleprompter - so to speak.

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Not in a flooded area... this is an example.

I am improving in regards to "labouring the point" - AND making it right, so the audience gets a quality product.

Especially in regards to addressing a global audience - by filling in all the necessary details - saying, "In far north, of the state of Queensland Australia, it is flooding from all the cyclones".

This is a necessary improvement upon, "It's been flooding a lot around here lately".

They get a good and accurate idea of what is going on, where it is going on, and why it is going on.

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WMHarrison94 1 mes hace

You know theDutch were working on streets and uhm houses that float up during the floods like anchored though... drive over the flood... hey, maybe that's ehy they started attacking their farms forcing them to close?! Fucking Globohomos... we fix the problems and they attack the fixers...

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