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Pilot Confirms The Earth is Flat!!! Lets Talk about it


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Published on 21 Jun 2024 / In People & Blogs

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myopinion 3 days ago

If you DON'T believe in a spherical earth, or that gravity exists, ... figure out a way, ... to prove it. .. OR, .... S.T.F.U. . . . . https://media.giphy.com/media/....QfWXtlJrDHSI8/giphy. .. Go L I V E, . . .. . ............ before you ... "prove" it. . . . . . . . Go BIG, .... or HOME ! ! ..... . . . .... Flat earthers, talk alot of $ H ! %, ...... if you really believe in heaven, ......... .............. .................. ............. THEN WHY ? ? ... . . . . ARE YOU SCARED ? ? . . ................................. ...... ... . The truth is, .... you're a liar, ... & a coward. Too scared, to leave, the CULT. ... .... ..... ... .. . . . . .. . A REAL man, would do, his OWN research, & NOT follow the herd. .. .... ...... ..... ............. ............... You're in a Bubble CULT, (echo chamber) . https://pa1.narvii.com/7160/34....70bfa64ef4954bc9b243 .................... That will S T O N E you, ..... for having different views. https://media.tenor.com/8Jyhyo....SrhKwAAAAM/stoning-s .............. ............... ................ ............. ............ ......... ........ Ask a flat earther, why the sun & moon, always appear round, as well as, every other planet ????? Ask them if the earth is supposedly flat, ....... Why would it be, the ONLY one, like that, in the universe ?????? Wouldn't we see the others, flat as well, from time to time ?????? LOL... or do they think, that the sun, & moon, have a mind of their own, .... and on purpose, face the earth, ( in j u s t, .... such a way ) so that you don't know, that they are flat. >>>>>> LOL, CLOWN WORLD :) https://c.tenor.com/6f1h09KFzB....gAAAAC/clown-world-p ..................... Watch this from @2:21-2:43 - ( This proves we're NOT on a flat earth, because people, on the other side of the planet, can't see, ... the NORTH STAR. ..... . . . . ( ( POLARIS ) ) ............. Watch this video @3:18 to the end. ---------------------------------------> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDhSSxmk3PQ ................................ ......... ....... ....... .... and, ... GET YOURSELF an ASTROLABE, https://cdn.zmescience.com/wp-....content/uploads/2021 ... then get on a live stream, ... talking to someone, at a different latitude, & COMPARE NOTES. ( if the degrees are different, you are NOT, on a flat earth.) ... https://cdn.britannica.com/07/....64907-050-7ACA69C8/F ............................................................. ................. ............. ............................ ........................................ .... ..... .. Also, Watch from @10:05-16:16 in this link --------> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4VRnXPDuXs .................................. ......... ............. .........."what can be asserted without evidence https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-7Bw....K3ubkrSo/Vimg7ygkyBI ... can also be dismissed without evidence" ..... Put religion, in its proper place. https://www.evolvefish.com/ass....ets/images/Decals/EF ... The time to believe something, ... is A F T E RRRRRRRRRR , .................................. ......... ....... .... ..... ..... you have evidence for it. https://i.pinimg.com/originals..../e4/df/57/e4df57cd50 ... This is the trash we get, from religious home schooling. ..................................................................................................................................... .......... ............. .......... .... BUT ... BUT ... My mama says. ....... L O L https://y.yarn.co/fb1259aa-eda....e-4d6a-ac89-e76291c9 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_OoJEtB48w .............................................................................. . .......... ........ .... .... .... . . . . .

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Bagoodman 10 days ago

OH and your shadow does NOT Bend at the equator on the equinoxes your shadow will go straight east to west . Nowhere on Earth will a shadow Bend ! ....... This is just silly .

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Bagoodman 10 days ago

At 1:25 the firmament is curved because it's a dome ! And it's not said what if anything are under the pillars . I think ill read up on this .

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Bagoodman 11 days ago

Lets just ask people to prove it to themselves flat or round get some proof .

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