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Pimple and Black Head Squeezing - Delicious and Finger Licking Good.

Published on 23 Sep 2024 / In Film & Animation

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Heavyhand 4 months ago

For the first lady, why in the world did they not use one of those suction hoses?

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Lucifer333 5 months ago

Old skin, pores expand under litte pressure

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Don't forget about licking your fingers.... Mmmm Mmmmmm Yummy!

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( Vomits )

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Lucifer333 5 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: retin a, use surgical blade sharp tip,.., loosen up the glogs up in clusters, the bitch is fucking botching it

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@Lucifer333: Yeah well some people are really good at this and some people are just butchers..... The best ones clean the pores out to the bottom, and there is basically no blood, and their techniques and tools are REALLY good, and others just have cuts and bloods everywhere, and the pores are still half full of crap.... I'd like to use a soft steamer, an emulsifier and a scrubb to take the oxidised and dirt crust off and then using a combination of massage, vibration / pulsing and high vacuum, to then suck them out.

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@Lucifer333: The high vacumm is the hard part - it's very effective over a BIG area, but black heads have a small area and a long body of surface contact = friction and resistance to being pulled out.. or collapsing the pore to squeeze out the grime..... It's probably beyond the limits of high vacuum - unless the black head contents were softened up and partially turned to goo...... Then there is the issue of getting the moisture and emulsifier DEEP into the pore... and finding something that works that well and doesn't damage the skin...

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Lucifer333 5 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: polysorbate 80 ( non toxic and the main component of icecream). CHEAP. Massage into the skin and wait 15min, then (not rince) use soap massage, also wait 15 min The polysorbate will bind the gunk with the soap dielectric part f the molecule and you rince it all off. The pores will be so clean that your skin is full with empty holes an you look microneedles....

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@Lucifer333: Polysorbate 80..... Will look into this.

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Lucifer333 5 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: bro, you have eatrn gazillion liters of polysorbate in your lifetime. Or used it in soap products, its safe as fuck for humans (despite rat studies wich is bullshit coz rats and humans not the same).. for example tea tree oil is a natural essential oil used as dysinfectant, but when cats lick it, they fucking die....ok back to polysorbate. I dont consume it pure, i used it to emulsify the oil and gunkmin your pores.. its fantastic and supercheap... maybe thats the reason for the FUD article.. cant have ppl making their own cosmetics,, can we?

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@Lucifer333: Yeah..... Good for your skin.... "My daily routine consists of a moisturiser in the morning, followed by sun screen, and a deep cleansing cream before showering at night".

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