Piss Off War Pigs ReeEEeE Stream 03-09-25
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Music by:
Crinoline Dreams
In Your Arms
These are the opinions and ramblings of a foul-mouthed lunatic. They are for entertainment purposes only and are probably wrong. You listen at your own risk.
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Uhm, I voted for Trump to say that to Zelensky. So, fuck off you don't listen to or know what Americans are saying. So, Ukraine is more noble than us and Russia? Uhm, Putin's Russia isn't kidnapping boys and conscripting them to the front line. So, Ukraine where fleeing fascist WW2 NAZI fled to is more noble than us Americans who ended the fascist NAZIs' regime? Hmm. You're right: Hitler was dealing with a widespread hobgoblin infection: He figured out an efficient method by marching them into an oven. We interrupted that..
No ye damn black bitch, your ancestor plowed the earth on their knees and picked cotton. The White European engineers and indentured servants built the country. Sounds like a good idea, Hey Don, STAND UP for America! I think he knows now...
Hmmm. Since these Lame Stream media News personnel took their marching orders from the CIA and as we saw were funded by USAID, that makes them "government" employees and since they continually lied to America betraying us, uhm kill them for treason. Roll out the guilotine, and we can live stream the guilotine line and their executions.
Uhm, our discount month already ended over a week ago? Fucking Retard.
Hmm. You know who doesn't get tips? Amazon employees. Oh yeah, who was the fucking dumbass that blocked like a million Amazon jobs in New Woke City? Oh yeah, this dumb whorse chick AOC...Well, whorse bitch, you shot yourself in the foot...