Plandemic: Part 3 [Teaser]
Published on 22 Dec 2021 / In
News & Politics
Plandemic: Part 3 [Teaser]
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Just one of the many consequences of putting one's faith in man, instead of in the CREATOR of man. People like Fauci would have been tarred and feathered back in the days when our nation was truly a GOD fearing nation. Hell, the US didn't even celebrate pagan holidays like the Saturnalia (aka Christmas) until the 1870s, when it was declared a national holiday under Ulysses S. Grant; nearly a century after our founding, under the misbelief that it was the day of Christ's birth. At least Satan (or Santa) wasn't in the picture, yet. Congress actually held their first session following the Revolutionary War, on 12/25/1789.
These lying fucks, want to poison and kill you, your family, your children and your community - and destroy your nation, by wiping almost all people out, in your nation.
Hunt these pro-vax liars and murderers down, and kill them all.
Lynch Mob, Lynch Mob, Very Angry Lynch Mob,
Hang the influencers by their necks,
String them up Yummm.
Sung to the Tune "Fish Heads"