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Plane Spotting At Fll


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Published on 17 Aug 2024 / In Travel & Events

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Air craft and air ports are pretty incredible....

I tend to get "overwhelmed" with the cleverness of men and the majesty of the universe.....

And essentially - a jet engine is a better version of an oil lamp - terracotta clay and assorted fats and oils and a wick....

And look at how far we have come and how the oil burners are, at turning fuel into power and how the aircraft shoot up into the sky at 30*Degrees... ALL computer controlled, all the trajectory mapped out... up to their peak altitude and then idling in, on a preset, almost glide angle....

The air pressure, density, direction, temperature, humidity etc. and working out almost exactly how much fuel they will use on a given trip, on a given time period.

There is a limit to everything, and I am not sure just how much more fuel efficient jet engines can get....

But the modern stuff - if each passenger has an average weight, and how many Kg of fuel they use, and the speed the air craft travel at... A bit stale and a bit vague - from a long time ago.... But aircraft use like 1/3 the amount of fuel per passenger, as a car does, on a straight line trip and they do it at like 700 Kmh..

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Alex568 7 months ago

And even this technology is probably nowhere near as impressive as the staff the governments and military secretly use; they keep the best technology for themselves.

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@Alex568: It's the Ancient Alien Technologies - from ATLANTIS - The UFO base of Hollow Earth!

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