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Playing Video Games On Easy Mode (Breakdown) Tik Tok Response Compilation Montage

Published on 04 Apr 2022 / In Entertainment

TikTok Tik Tok Compilation Breakdown regretting or backlash to having to enlist in the draft.
#Analysis #Reaction #Reacts

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csehszlovakze 2 years ago

lmfao pork isn't part of the kosher/halal diet because of the climate of the area... most Christians live in cooler climates thus eating pork isn't a problem... and that was before fridges and industrial cooling were a thing

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

I guess we will never get rid of the pussy pass. Oh well, let the whores die alone and barren LOL. Let them enjoy "our privilege," but the thing is these whores do not enjoy long gaps of alone time and silence like men do...

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WMHarrison94 2 years ago

Jeese us, what part of destroying Sodom and Gamorah for sodomy or gay butt sex via fire and brimstone through a meteorite is questionable? The God of Israel literally fried or baked the Sodomites for being gay! Man, what a dumb bitch! We need to bring bitch slapping with a vengeance.

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ExperimentalGroup 2 years ago

Actually turned them into salt. However, they weren’t clear on anal with the woman receiving….

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