Please Welcome My Giga Chad Jawline

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Published on 25 Oct 2022 / In
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Amr, in a few years you will look back on this cosmetic surgery as your “dumbass” phase. Please do not overdo it. Don’t do anything which cannot be reversed. I guarantee you WILL repudiate everything you currently believe and espouse, especially as your testosterone level goes down and you lose your desire for women. Remember a few years back you were saying, “ Guys, you need to understand that a woman wants a man who is on his purpose.” Now, you’ve outgrown that belief and have moved on. But you can’t outgrow a cosmetic surgery which makes a permanent change to your anatomy.
It’s absolutely absurd for you to be face-maxxing to appeal to a female sex which has been so brainwashed by the media and become so utterly toxic. Watch Coterie’s video “Hypergamy and Hyperreality”:
It’s about how the media projects a simulacrum into the eyes of women of what the ideal man should be. Authentic traits of masculinity are removed from this ideal, and the man is distilled down to his most seductive aspects. Then a vicious feedback loop is created wherein men imitate this gross caricature of masculinity in order to appeal to women. It is a downward spiral towards self-effacement and self-destruction.
Please also start consuming Lazarus’s content. He advocates monk mode as the ONLY sane option available to men who want to free themselves from bondage to toxic female nature. Start with this video, by far Lazarus’s best:
Moths to the Flame and the Reconditioned Man
Congrats on the surgery Amr! I too am an avid looksmaxxer.
Altough I'm wondering why you didn't show us your new Jaw!!!
I am hoping that this cosmetic surgery is just a phase you are going through.