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Poisoned Lives: Secrets of the Chemical Industry | ENDEVR Documentary

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Published on 21 Mar 2023 / In Film & Animation

Poisoned Lives: Secrets of the Chemical Industry | Investigative Documentary from 2016

Alice, Kenton, Bucky, Rachna… these are the hidden victims of the chemical industry. They have all grown up in India or the United States, in towns built around plastic and pesticide companies. These omnipresent corporations fund stadiums, schools and museums and have provided residents with jobs for decades.
In the US, in the late 1960s, they secretly tested Dioxin on prisoners – one of the most carcinogenic products in the world. Throughout the decades that followed, the company released this product into the stream running alongside their Midland factory, in the North of the country.
In West Virginia, they contaminated ground water with C8, one of the components used in Teflon. A molecule believed to be at the root of thyroid problems, high blood cholesterol, ulcerative colitis, arterial hypertension and kidney and testicular cancer. Today, over 3,500 residents and employees suffering from these illnesses are taking the multinational to court.
In Bhopal, India, thousands of young children are heavily disabled due to drinking water polluted with pesticide residue.
The chemical giants have done everything possible to stifle these human tragedies. With the help of scientific studies and confidential documents, the two directors gage the true extent of the contamination, ultimately exposing years of lies and impunity.
All that remains are the testimonies of the victims across the world, those whose lives have been poisoned. They are fighting, with the hope that one day, those responsible will be held accountable for their actions.
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ENDEVR explains the world we live in through high-class documentaries, special investigations, explainers videos and animations. We cover topics related to business, economics, geopolitics, social issues and everything in between that we think it’s interesting.

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I’ve seen some crazy shit that agent orange does to people in Iraq.

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Councilof1 2 years ago

The government regularly uses inmate's and the mentally handicapped as guinea pig's. Even if they complain society largely doesn't care. And as far as I can tell it's universal throughout history.

Dioxin is a very bad chemical, it's a carcinogenic and mutagenic. It's also extremely biologically persistent. Last release's into the great lakes was in the 1960's. There are still eating restrictions on fish from those release's.

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