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Police forced to stop SPEEDING EV after BRAKES FAIL

Published on 09 Mar 2024 / In Film & Animation

Well here's even more EV negative news. Police had to "T"PAK a Jaguar EV that would not brake due to an electrical fault, It's not the first time this has happened with this type of Jag either. EV's or the so called "SMART" tech is not worthy of being on the road. EV's take all YOUR choice and responsibility away and leave you dangerouslt helpless and endangers others as well. mind you I've heard some excuses for driving at 100MPH but this one is the daddy of them all! lol! So guys tthe nerxt time you speed and with diversity and all that woke crap, make sure the police know tyou identify you ICE as an EV! lol! You might just get off a fine? Yeh! right! lol!

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Have you ever noticed that all these high tech buckets of shit, are designed by stupid CUNTS - because they lack shit like a heavy circuit breaker and arc quenching circuit, like a big button which links to a switch, which just disconnects the battery...

Punch these stupid cunts face in.....

But then there are people who are never aware of circuit designs, and then there are are, and none of them ever ask, "Where is the circuit breaker?"

The red button - all industrial electrical machines have them...

Cars should at least have a fucking knife switch in them.

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