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Population Collapse Is Coming - MGTOW

295 Ansichten
Veröffentlicht auf 13 Jul 2023 / Im Leute & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Roger. He didn't give me a topic so I wanted to discuss a guy named Malcolm Collins. He was recently on the Chris Williamson podcast which I put a link to in today's not so mystery link. For the longest time I've been saying that we can't go back to traditionalism and that the human race has to try new things for procreation. I don't want to take women's rights away but I also don't want the human race to shrink to next to nothing. On that podcast Malcolm Collins says that there will be a 95% collapse in population in only a century in South Korea. So from fifty million plus people down to only two or three. Finally someone else said that we need a new solution besides myself. I'm going to try and have a converstation with him because he's knowledgable about the transmaxxing community, mgtow and is interested in fringe communities on his podcast. The question he brings up is is it possible to have prosperity and gender equality and replacement population at the same time without taking women's rights away. He says that the answer is you have to live in a traditional community where you pass down your values from one generation to the next. I've been talking about using surrogacy to reproduce as well as possibly cloning if you're a single man. We have to try something bold if we want to stabilize or grow our population. We are all heading in the direction of Korea in the next twenty years and we AI girlfriends and robosexuals fertility rates will only drop faster. Going forward only the Amish and other traditional conservative groups, conservative jews and conservative Islamic groups will be around in North America. The only thing that Malcolm was wrong about was when he said that when Romania banned abortions in communist times that the fertility rates went down only two years later. It took more like twenty before they went back down below replacement. He covers a lot of the crazy stuff that's going on in China and points out that once the per capita income in a country rises above 5k a year and women gain their educations that then fertility rates crash unless there's some sort of conservative religion in place to prevent that. It doesn't necessarily have to be a religion and could be any kind of tradition motivating people to procreate. Malcolm also talks about how progressive liberalism is dead because it's like it walked into chernobyl and it's dna was irradated and it's walking dead. That the only way it can survive is to recruit people from conservative traditional groups and eventually it's going to run out of those. He talks about how the culture of the left, which he calls a monoculture trying to make everyone think the same is doomed and that culture diversity, not homogeniety is the key to keeping the fertility rate up. He also brought up AI girlfriends and thinks that it's going to be even harder to convince guys to get married once those come out. As a result economies will shrink and he thinks there will be mass withdrawals in the stock market. That we will basically have deflation. Remember that a debt based economy and currency only works if there are more people to pay interest. I'll discuss more in a moment but first let me tell everyone about today's sponsor Moneyline Investments:

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csehszlovakze 2 Jahre vor

it's simple, Sandman! artificial wombs are almost ready for human use, and we can already produce artificial eggs. we literally won't need women anymore.


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hqwebsite 2 Jahre vor
We don't have artificial womb yet. Meanwhile, we have cuckolding and surrogacy

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zdoctor 2 Jahre vor

and the reasons for population decline are things like pushing whaman to be strong and powerful......more whaman graduation college......more help for whaman in almost every area. .yet they still want to be served. ,the best thing any man can go is walk away from all whaman until they become more reasonable....but as you know reasonable and whaman are two words not to be used within the same sentence. .whaman are like 3 yr olds who cry all the time. . walk away from the insanity and you should be able work less and have more if your not supporting any whaman. .STAY SINGLE GENTLMEN!!!!!. ..WORK, SAVE, AND CONSTRUCT YOUR LIFE ON YOUR TERMS. .DONT BACK DOWN!!!! .FREEDOM IS FINDING MGTOW ...AND MGTOW ENABLES FREEDOM FOR THE OPEN MINDED TO SEE THE TYRANNY WITHIN THE CURRENT SYSTEM!!!!

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