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Porno Actress Turned Christian Pastor? WTF?

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Published on 03 Jan 2022 / In Entertainment

⁣Just when you thought you've seen it all something else of an utterly bizarre nature comes along and convinces you otherwise. Christian Porn Pastor? All I can say is WTF!

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Councilof1 3 years ago

I'm not a Christian or even religious but I'm fairly certain porn is a no no in the Bible. Always enjoyable though.

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Dutch Cobbler
Dutch Cobbler 3 years ago

A massive chunk of the New Testament was written by Paul, a known sinner and persecuter of christians. Christ took an enemy and made a most zealous follower of him, so the concept of this isn't impossible. If her repentence is sincere then that would be worth cheering, but if this is exploitation then she's tied a millstone around her neck.

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Dutch Cobbler
Dutch Cobbler 3 years ago

@InfiniteMushroom: Which gets me thinking about catholicism (I'm protestant). Food for thought indeed.

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Menwalkaway 2 3 years ago

Im sure she will also be promoting Abortion too ...


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The Realist Philosopher

Thanks for the super chat mate. It always amuses me how people change the meaning of whole systems to suit their fancy. Cheating porn actresses thinking they can be Christians when being such makes it impossible to be such amuses me.

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Dutch Cobbler
Dutch Cobbler 3 years ago

@The Realist Philosopher: Christians are sinners, same as anyone. If a person has murdered, molested, stolen, or sinned in any other way except for one, they can be forgiven by God's grace. Denying Jesus, afiak, is the only unforgivable sin.

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The Realist Philosopher

@DutchCobbler: Umm, no. It doesn't work that way. First of all, I'm not Christian. Secondly, certain lifestyles do preclue one from being a thing. The religion itself precludes certain lifestyle choices, and while people sinning, and being forgiven is one of the things that attracted people to Christianity you're not actually supposed to keep sinning. And again, Thou shalt not do this kind of precludes one from being a Christian. You are too tolerant, and tolerance is why we have this woke crap in our midst. Start being intolerable, and putting conditions on things. No, you cannot be a Christian and a porn actress. Have some standards mate, and stop being a tolerant door mat. Actions need consequences, and religious folks need to stop turning the proverbial other cheek ;)

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Dutch Cobbler
Dutch Cobbler 3 years ago

@The Realist Philosopher: You can be a Christian and sin. The point isn't to be without sin, it is to be forgiven when we do. I really encourage you to searrch for yourself and see that Jesus doesn't call n us to be him, that's his purpose, he alone is without sin. Instead he wants us to be kind, show compassion, be peaceful but not to be fooled. Paul also warns against associating with churches that claim to be christian but have no real connection to the scriptures or go against them. Ultimately, for humanity the scriptures are about redemption, not gulibility. I also think you've implied where I have not inferred, my whole point was simply that to be Christian is not to be without sin, but to be free of the judgement for sin in the eyes of God through Christ. Jesus exists because humanity continously falls short and sins.

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Dutch Cobbler
Dutch Cobbler 3 years ago

@The Realist Philosopher: I'd like to add that Christianity isn't about tolerance, and there is a lot we're taught not to tolerate, like false churches. Forgiveness doesn't mean we put up with destructive people or bahavior, it means we try to be less warlike and more peaceful (not passive).

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