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Porter-ABC defamation case result a ‘humiliating backdown’ for the broadcaster

Published on 31 May 2021 / In Film & Animation

The ABC or The Australian Broadcasting Corporation ARE a bunch of lying commie / feminist CUNTS.

I absolutely fucking hate them, and there are so many calls for them to be defunded that they won't allow people to comment on their Pootube channel "ABC News"

But this is the Sky News article on how some drunken slut said that the Australian Attorney General raped her.... and how the ABC claimed the allegation was true - without any evidence to back it up.


⁣Porter-ABC defamation case result a ‘humiliating backdown’ for the broadcaster

Former attorney-general Christian Porter says the discontinuation of his defamation case against the ABC amounts to a “humiliating backdown” for the public broadcaster “no matter what way they want to spin it”.

“The reason that I determined to bring this action against the ABC, the reason I was willing to go under oath and say what I have always said that the things alleged did not happen, the reason I brought this case is very simple,” he said.

“If what happened in the reporting of this matter was left completely unchallenged that would’ve meant a country where any Australian could have their lives and careers ruined by the unchallenged printing of sensationalist accusations.”

Mr Porter said the ABC determined not to defend the matter and has been forced to explicitly state the accusations in the article could not be proven to either a civil or criminal standard.

“Had the ABC not been forced by these proceedings to explicitly say that the accusations could not be proved to either a civil or criminal standard, because of the sensationalist way the story was written readers would have obviously been left with the opposite view,” he said.

“The ABC has also been forced to express regret at the outcome of their reporting.”

Mr Porter also said he would not be asking for a change of portfolio.

“I don’t want to do anything that disrupts the service of this government to the Australian people during what has been an unprecedented and challenging time,” he said.

“I remain completely committed to the people of my electorate and absolutely will be running at the next election.”

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Grin_Reaper 4 years ago

If the Coalition had any courage they would sell the ABC to some sucker.

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