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Post-Feminism Man

Published on 01 Jul 2024 / In News & Politics

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Very Good - Let the cunts drown in the shit of their own creation.

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mrghoster 2 days ago

BRILLIANT, said as it actually is, my thoughts exactly. women are in for some very RUDE awakenings in the next few years, and as a MAN I WON'T be rising to help them at all. MEN have beein derided, insulted and even destroyed all on the basic of a DELUSION women think they are better than us? Yet who are the one's quietly surviving and Thriving? MEN that's who and possibly all because "WE don't need no women" because feminism has actually shown us the MEN the truth of women, not intentionally either. But because whilst the ARROGANCE of women the Gynocentrism allowed them to big themselves up to a point where they insulted MANHOOD, they have simple dug a very big whole for themselves that MEN wont be pulling them out of. On the way up women burned all the bridges and Pair bonding skill's They burned all the Negotiating tables as well, and who are the only one's that can construct bridges and tables? Well MEN of course. but their is absolutely NO insentive to even considering wasting our time on women. women are FUCKED and they FUCKED themselves 100%. So have my midle finger as an answer CUNT's! lol! The only thing I have in abundance for women to have is my shear "CONTEMPT"!

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Leader_Desslok 3 days ago

whoever is wrote and narrated this video deserves some sort of award . this is the d=first clear and concise summation of the feminist movements impact and outcome and consequences . finally after 60 years of lies and demented fantasies and vicious anti male propaganda we are seeing the results and consequences . this is long over due !

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NerokeFive 3 days ago

Bar Bar on YouTube! Hasn’t done anything in a couple of years. His videos though, just like Spetsnaz, Thinking Ape and Paul Proteus are old content creators that any new person in the Manosphere needs to listen to.

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