Post-Wall Life Cope (Breakdown) Sleeping With More Than 600 Humans
Published on 18 Aug 2022 / In
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Thank you for calling these progresso-satanists the heretics that they are. Feminism is an outgrowth of progressive Protestantism, along with every other evil political ideology we see in the US. Feminism, wokism, communism, white supremacism, and neo-Nazism all come from progressive Protestantism. The KKK was the militant arm of the progressive Protestants before they split up into the racism wing (neo-Nazis) and the egalitarian wing (wokism).
Come on Guys, I believe her she had five hundred and ninety-nine mistakes, her "friend" I mean. Yes, you can ride the cock carousel and be spiritual: the thing is your spirituality is on the wrong side.... I guess you should practice your Darth Sidious quotes" "Give into your hatred" or "Give into the Dark side." Fifty-Seven, isn't that a Heines BBQ sauce. I guess she likes it saucy. I can't but imagine with fifty-seven sauces, wouldn't that clam chowder like smell worse than rotten tuna? I mean I remember reading a "science" report that it is the man sauce that causes her rotten tuna smelll-- I mean as long as Fauci did not conduct the experiments or rather study, I am inclined to believe it... Well, she'll definitely prove rappers and the Bible true, "You can;t turn a hoe into a housewife."
Looks like she chose that mic because of similarities to her favorite pasttime.
I had to stop when she said "sexist stereotypes". I'm not saying a man should have lots of sex with lots of women or that one is okay and one is not, I'm saying they are not even the same, because they are not even the same. A woman that has had many dudes inside her is not even close to the same as a man that has been inside many women. False equivalencies are just feminist slight of hand.
Women and men are not biologically the same, so there is no equality among the sexes. This is a strawman that goes right into the same dumpster as the "pay gap".