Published on 27 May 2023 / In
Film & Animation
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Yeah, when they chipped James Bond Craig, former Tomb Raider side dish of sausage for Lara Croft, I saw a reason not to be chipped. Boycott and refusal is our say and will. They do need us, but nobody watches their propaganda as news, songs, logos, novels, comics, movies, commercials, and "video games" of the mainstream the octopus arms of the few as you mention. They are loosing. WE are NOT submitting; hence, they have to kill is off now. The Plandemic and their Lockdown and the whole Ouchy Fauci beer virus ordeal... guess you should have had competent Westerners working on it not dumb downed Chinese slaves!
Damn man. I was told I have a "scattered, unkempt mind," but shit man, the stories you find... I mean I take in a lot of uhm let's say informational input and hence, have a better, more accurate reflection of reality in my mind, my perspective than most men will ever achieve. This includes death as near death experiences, out of body experiences, and actually crossing over into death itself too... And you , good sir, find even more shit!? Stay awesome man. The world of men needs more of us detectives, inspectors, investigators, puzzle solvers, piece finders, and problem solvers-- especially now as we stand against the Satanic Globalist agenda...