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President Trump Just 100% Exposed the DEI Military

Published on 20 Feb 2025 / In Entertainment

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Toki 1 month ago

He also married a whore and gave his daughter a free business. As well as taxes us to fund his harem of whores. How can you not see he's the same as all the corrupt ruling class scum? Now he's giving out $5000 for free to simps and women in America. I won't get anything obviously because I'm the single male slave being forced to pay for Trump's welfare buyouts. Streamers obviously will get $5000 for being good unemployed voters. Food and everything is still getting more expensive by the day. Women are still whores in America and someone like Trump encourages them to be through his simping for the masses. As always the average monk working man is invisible and not appreciated despite being the only adult keeping society going through their endless suffering at real jobs. Instead you support fat simps in women's clothes who stage fake shootings on themselves acting like women being victims.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

Why? They blamed O'Bomber's caged kids on Trump.. Hey, are they part of the 300 million missing kids?

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

The funny thing, those armored Teslas are silent and can be for uhm... Black Ops or Clandestine Ops...

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KEEPER 1 month ago

i wouldn't use them for that, but maybe if the power source wasn't shitty battery tech, if it was something like Hydrogen, then maybe it would or could work like that, the battery tech is just such a waste and just doesn't cut it like hydrogen does, there was a guy who used his EV and converted it to hydrogen and used it to power over 40 homes for an entire weeks straight on a single tank of hydrogen, well kind of, he also made the vehicle create the hydrogen on demand while it was in use which is why it lasted for so long and was able to power 40 homes for an entire 2 weeks, no Tesla is known to do anything anywhere near anything like that, hell you can barely last a week on a single charge in those cars for only powering the car alone, that's how shit those battery's are in comparison to hydrogen power. i seriously hope Elon ditches the shitty battery tech for hydrogen.

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KEEPER 1 month ago

not to mention the tank is far smaller and less heavy than the battery's they use in most EV's, so the tank won't be holding down the vehicle like the battery shit and it will go further.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

Uhm, we are NOT A FUCKING DEMOCRACY! We are a REPUBLIC. Their Muh Democracy is Two Tier Communism... but hey, Trump warned them "AMERICA WILL NOT BECOME A COMMUNIST COUNTRY..." What constantly repeating their false mantra? Yeah, we never saw that before...

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KEEPER 1 month ago

what's funny is people who were asked what they voted for was democracy, because the original meaning without the polluted left wing party mantra, when people voted for trump they were using Democracy to vote him in, so they are delusional to the meaning of the word and just don't understand that's how Trump was voted in.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

Shouldn't Rachel Madcow Be like going to jail for being a CIA operatives lying to the American people? Guess USAID CIA's Operational Mockingbird lost all their funding? We still have Black Ops? Can we solve the Deep State fraudsters? Never to be since again. Er, maybe the blind oracles Can smell the fraud? Hear their lying? Feel or hear their heart skippy beats when they lie...

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KEEPER 1 month ago

like everything going on, it will probably take time to get to those other operatives, many of them are trying to erase their involvment before they are discovered by D.O.G.E.

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